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4-H College Preparation Project

Program Contact: Autumn Britt, Extension Program Manager - 4-H Youth Development
509-588-7817 •

Youth can take some of the stress out of college planning by creating a path forward in this 4-H project area!  Discover ways to pay for college, how to think about majors and careers, and develop the skills to navigate the application and admissions process.


Youth will:

  •  Examine barriers to college, including social barriers, and make plans for overcoming them
  • Look at what options there are for paying for college and how they can navigate these financial decisions
  • Consider what majors they could study and how those subjects relate to the career paths they envision for their future
  • Learn about the college application and admission process

4-H College Preparation Curriculum

Available from the Extension office or online.

Youth Aspirations:  Imagining and Navigating Futures in Higher Education

Washington 4-H Records, Forms, and Guides

For youth members

Coming soon!

For adult helpers and club leaders

Coming soon!

State Youth Development Project Resources
At left, a stylized cartoon graduation cap on top of a pile of books. At right, cartoon textbooks with subject areas as titles on their spines. Center, title "College Preparation" in white on a dark red background.

Helpful Resources

Activity Ideas

4-H at Home: Preparing to Pay for College Activity Guide – National 4-H, Ameritrade (PDF)

Learn how to research and calculate the full cost of higher education.

You might hear people talk about “tuition” when discussing paying for college. Tuition is the cost of studying at a college – but that is only part of the overall costs. Books, room and board (lodging and food), transportation, and other fees are among the other costs of going to college. This activity will help you understand the total cost of paying to go to college, and how to find out exactly what that is at different institutions

This packet includes the activities “What is the Real Cost of Going to College?” “How to Pay for College,” and “How Long Will You Pay for College?”

Washington Specific Reference Material

Yakima County 4-H Financial Literacy Project

Yakima County 4-H Career Exploration and Workforce Development Project

Other Reference Material

From 4-H Programs


From Higher Education Institutions

Youth Aspirations: Imagining and Navigating Futures in Higher Education – University of Minnesota Extension

In this curriculum, youth develop the belief that college is for them (i.e. they belong) and it is within their reach. Rather than focusing on grades, ACTS, or financing, youth envision and begin to take steps toward making higher education part of their future, including relying on support, navigating barriers and reimagining what’s possible.

From Related Organizations, Journals, and Professionals

Taking Notes:  Crash Course Study Skills #1 (YouTube video)

The first step in honing your new study skills is to take better notes. This week Thomas will tell you everything you need to know to come to class prepared and find a note-taking system that will help you retain and review like a champ.

The full Crash Course Study Skills playlist is available here.  It includes 10 videos on a variety of techniques for studying and finishing assignments.

Crash Course How to College (YouTube playlist)

Welcome to Crash Course: How to College! This 15 episode series is part of the Study Hall Program; a partnership between Crash Course and ASU. Dr. Erica Brozovsky (from PBS’s Otherwords) hosts and breaks down how to apply for, succeed at, and graduate from college.


Kits, Projects, and Activities from National 4-H

Career Development and Exploration Curriculum Collection

Entrepreneurship Curriculum Collection

Leadership Curriculum Collection

Getting Ready to Pay for College

College? Careers? They’ll be here before you know it. This series of three at-home activities helps solidify teens’ knowledge and gives them the resources they need to confidently make smart decisions about their college expenses.  Requires a free Clover account to access lesson plans.

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