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Outdoor Adventures

Program Contact: Autumn Britt, Extension Program Manager - 4-H Youth Development
509-588-7817 •
A person on an all-terrain vehicle goes down a hill at left, perosn biking in background. At right, two hikers with packs pointing toward center. At center, compass rose in yellow as the sun in the background. Title "Outdoor Adventures" in foreground.

Helpful Resources

Activity Ideas

Not Just Knots

Learn to make fourteen different simple knots, bends, and hitches. Remember what they say— practice, practice, practice! Then show what you have learned with a capstone project of your choosing. Directions for sample capstone projects are available at

Preparing for a Winter Outdoor Adventure

In this lesson, youth learn how to be prepared with the right equipment for an outdoor adventure.

Cross-Country Skiing – University of Minnesota Extension

In this lesson, youth learn the history of cross-country skiing and how to prepare for it, and then they get outside to try it out.

Washington Specific Reference Material

Coming soon!

Other Reference Material

From 4-H Programs

Outdoor Skills and Stories Day Camp – University of Minnesota Extension

4-H Outdoor Skills Day Camp fosters in young children (grades K-2) a love of the outdoors and a respectful relationship with the environment. Through hands-on activities and children’s literature which centers black and indigenous people of color (BIPOC), youth will explore nature through literacy. These five program sessions are full of fun lessons and activities designed to introduce youth to the topics of birding, water protection, hiking, fishing, and camping.

Steppin’ Outdoors Activity Guides – University of Minnesota Extension

Steppin’ Outdoors is a year-long series of activity guides designed to lead youth and their families in outdoor exploration. Each season of the year has three corresponding activities that encourage skill development, creativity, citizen science and more! Designed for grades K to 6 to explore on their own.

From Higher Education Institutions


From Related Organizations, Journals, and Professionals


Kits, Projects, and Activities from National 4-H

National 4-H Healthy Living and Fitness Curriculum Collection

National 4-H Outdoor Exploration Curriculum Collection

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