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Washington State University

Thurston County Community-Driven Review of Agriculture

CPA-16: Community-Driven Review of Agriculture Policies and Programs

(The information below is from the Thurston County website. For more information navigate to the County’s page:


The Thurston County Board of County Commissioners placed the Community Driven Review of Agriculture on the 2020-2021 Official Docket of Comprehensive Plan Amendments to explore Thurston County policies and programs related to agriculture. The project includes, but may not be limited to, a review of the following:

  • Land use policies and zoning
  • Incentive programs
  • Regulatory programs

Staff is working closely with the county’s Agriculture Advisory Committee and other stakeholders throughout the county to help define priority issues the project should address.

For more information on the project and to ask to be placed on an interested parties list, e-mail Community Planning Manager Jennifer Davis.

Visit the County’s CPA-16 Webpage for more information:

Community Agriculture Survey Reports


Summary Report Community Agriculture Survey 2020-2021