Agricultural Alternatives: Swine Production (PDF)
This publication covers the three types of swine production enterprises: farrow-to-finish, farrow-to-feeder, and feeder-to-finish. Penn State Extension, 2001.
Tipsheet: Organic Pig Production (PDF)
Part of the Organic Matters series designed to speed the flow of technical information to those engaged in organic production, this publication focuses on areas of hog production that relate specifically to National Organic Program compliance. National Center for Appropriate Technology, July 2015.
Profitable Pork: Strategies for Hog Producers (PDF)
This bulletin showcases examples of alternative ways to raise pork profitably. It features profiles about successful hog producers as well as the latest research. Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education, 2003.
Caring for New Feeder Pigs (PDF)
This publication briefly discusses housing, feeding, and health. Oregon State University, October 2003.