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Washington State University

Financial and Technical Assistance Programs for Farmers

Local farms are a valuable community asset and programs have been developed at every level of government to support your farm. Understanding and accessing these programs however, can be a full-time job and keeping them all straight is no easy task. While agricultural professionals from the Conservation District or Natural Resource Conservation Service can help you navigate many grants, they can’t know all the details of all the programs out there. There are just too many and they change too frequently.

But these programs can be critical for funding farm improvements, planning, and conservation actions. So WSU and Thurston Conservation District partnered to build a tool that will put all the assistance programs into one place. Landwise South Sound organizes and lists assistance programs for farmers, allowing window shopping and providing contacts for further inquiry.


Landwise South Sound

  • Use this tool on your own to see what types of funding might be available for you, or access it after a site visit with a technical service provider to get more details on suggested programs
  • Suggest programs from this list to your current technical service provider or reach out to program representatives directly through the provided contacts and links

There is a lot of information contained within this list and the pages it links to. Your local Conservation District is a great first call to make to learn more or to simplify your options.