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4-H Civic Engagement Project

Program Contact: Autumn Britt, Extension Program Manager - 4-H Youth Development
509-588-7817 •

The 4-H Civic Engagement project focuses on how youth engage with their communities as informed participants who understand or want to grow their understanding of their role in civic affairs.


Youth will:

  • Learn about local neighborhood, school, and community
  • Conduct meetings, elect officers, work on committees
  • Participate in community service
  • Learn about one’s role as a citizen
  • Learn how local, state, and national governments are organized

Three youth stand while presenting in a conference room. They have tables in front of them with their documents and fliers and on the screen behind them are their photographs on an introduction slide

4-H Civic Engagement Curriculum

Available through the Extension office and online.

Citizenship Adventure Kit Curriculum Digital Download

Designed to engage youth in changing a piece of the public world, discovering the possibilities of democratic citizenship and building a commitment to taking action in new and exciting ways.

Citizenship Adventure Curriculum Guide’s Handbook Digital Download

Appropriate for Middle School aged audience. Youth become “Special Opportunities Agents,” as they follow a series of exciting activities that engage youth in their community & allow them to reflect on their experiences.

Civic Engagement Level 2: My Neighborhood

Civic Engagement Level 3: My Community & Me

Washington 4-H Records, Forms, and Guides

For youth members

Coming soon!

For adult helpers and club leaders

Coming soon!

State 4-H Citizenship Project Resources
Three youth in lime green t-shirts paint over grafitti on a boarded up building. At right, the title "Civic Engagement" in white on a green background

Helpful Resources

Activity Ideas

Exploring 4-H Civic Engagement Spark Activity:  Civic Engagement Scavenger Hunt – Illinois 4-H (PDF)

Who wants to be a leader in your community? 4-H civic engagement programs empower young people to be well informed citizens who are actively engaged in their communities and the world. Youth learn about civic affairs, build decision-making skills and develop a sense of understanding and confidence in relating and connecting to other people. These life skills help grow 4-H youth into true leaders.

4-H Citizenship:  Government is Us!  A Civic Engagement Curriculum for Youth Groups – Michigan

This curriculum is designed to help 4-H’ers and other young people aged 13 to 19 explore citizenship and civic education. Its goal is to help teens develop the attitudes, knowledge and skills they need to be active citizens and practice what they learn in their own communities. Citizenship is not a spectator sport, and the learning activities in the book get youth and adults more involved, cause them to think critically about their values and beliefs, and prepare them to be active citizens in the future. Developing the in-depth understanding of community issues and the political process provided by “Government Is Us” empowers young people and motivates them to work for change in their communities.

4-H Afterschool Resource Guide:  Civic Engagement (PDF)

After-school activities for citizenship, leadership and service.

Discover 4-H Cloverbud:  Citizenship Clubs – Utah State University Extension (PDF)

Community Pride Program Guide – Wyoming 4-H (PDF)

4-H Community Pride is an educational project aimed at developing good citizens who understand how community members can solve problems and provide services for a community.

Community Marks the Spot Activity Plan

This was the third annual Wisconsin 4-H Statewide Service Learning Project and could be adapted easily for an individual 4-H club wanting to better share the natural features, history, and interesting places in their community.

Washington Specific Reference Material

Washington State 4-H Teen Equity & Inclusion Task Force

​The purpose of the Washington State 4-H Teen Equity and Inclusion Task Force is to facilitate and support an inclusive 4-H youth organization. Using compassion and empathy, we strive to create an open and safe environment to celebrate and embrace our diversity.

Washington State Legislative Youth Advisory Council

The Legislative Youth Advisory Council (LYAC) is the only nonpartisan youth-led committee empowered by state law to represent the official voice of Washington youth to the Legislature. It is entirely student-led, and co-administered by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor and the Washington State Leadership Board.

Each year, a select group of 14-18 year old students from a diverse range of political, geographic, and socioeconomic backgrounds are appointed to the council by the Lt. Governor’s Office with the help of existing members. On the council, students spend two years learning about and engaging directly with the legislative process by making meaningful policy recommendations to the Legislature. Established in 2005 as the brainchild of then-12 year old Alex Jonlin, a semi-finalist for the Harvard Kennedy School’s Innovations in Government award, LYAC is enduring proof of teenagers’ ability to make change in their communities.

From lobbying legislators, to hosting events with hundreds of young people from across the state, to traveling around the state teaching civic engagement workshops, LYAC aims to leave an enduring legacy on the lives of youth across the state with its work. To learn more, check out About Us and Our Work.

Adolescent and Young Adult Health Youth Advisory Council

Public health needs young people’s voices!

We value the insight, expertise, experiences, and contributions of adolescents and young adults — they know what public health issues are important to young people and what solutions will work.

  • To help create a structure for DOH to regularly talk with and learn from youth, we invited Washington’s young people to apply to be a member of the second generation of the WA State Department of Health’s Youth Advisory Council. Also known as the YAC or the Council, members meet with DOH’s Adolescent Health staff on a regular basis to discuss adolescent and young adult health topics. Their insight helps guide public health work to make sure that Department of Health (DOH) strategies are relevant, accessible, and youth friendly.
  • Learn more below and in our one-pager (PDF) in English and Spanish. Additional languages available by request

Other Reference Material

From 4-H Programs

4-H Youth in Action Program

The 4H Youth in Action program amplifies the diverse stories and leadership of 4H youth who are making a difference in their communities every day. It is a premiere community of 4H’ers who are preparing for their future while showcasing how 4H changed their lives and equipped them to change the lives of others.

Civic Engagement – National 4-H

4‑H civic engagement programs empower young people to be well-informed citizens who are actively engaged in their communities and the world. Youth learn about civic affairs, build decision-making skills and develop a sense of understanding and confidence in relating and connecting to other people.

From Higher Education Institutions


From Related Organizations, Journals, and Professionals

Civic Engagement –

Center for Civic Education


Teaching Civic Engagement:  From Student to Active Citizen – American Political Science Association, State of the Profession Series (PDF)

National 4-H Conference logo of a tent on the grass in front of a government building with a collonade flanked by trees. The 4-H clover sits below the conference title banner and website

National 4-H Conference

National 4‑H Conference is the pinnacle experience in 4‑H Civic Engagement, providing the opportunity for young people to connect, learn, engage, lead and impact their communities, nation and world. At the conference, delegates will have the opportunity to participate in round table discussions and present to federal partner agencies along with the opportunity for delegates to engage with their U.S. Senators and Representatives.

Washington D.C. skyline in silhouette against a sunset road-map background--event logo in foreground in white text.

Washington D.C. skyline in silhouette against a sunset road-map background--event logo in foreground in white text.Citizenship Washington Focus

Rooted in legacy but reimagined for today, CWF is THE event for teens to learn leadership and communication skills through history, democracy, and our amendments.

National 4-H Congress

An educational experience designed to make an impact in Atlanta, Georgia in November.  Join 4-Hers from across the country to expand your skills, engage with other members, and be inspired to make an impact in your club, community, country, and world.


Kits, Projects, and Activities from National 4-H

National 4-H Citizenship and Civic Engagement Curriculum Collection

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