Invasive Weeds in Asotin County
Complete document of the most of the following articles. (will take some time to open)
- Butterfly Bush – Decoration or Weed?
- Buffalobur (Solanum rostratum)
- Canada Thistle
- Common Teasel
- Cow Parsnip
- Dalmatian Toadflax
- Dyer’s Woad
- Field Bindweed
- Hawkweed
- Houndstongue
- Jointed Goatgrass
- Kochia
- Leafy Spurge
- Mediterranean Sage
- Myrtle Spurge
- Orange Hawkweed
- Oxeye Daisy
- Poison Hemlock
- Puncturevine (Trubulus terrestris)
- Rush Skeletonweed
- Russian Knapweed
- Salt Cedar
- Scotch Thistle
- Spotted Knappweed or Diffuse Knapweed
- St. Johnswort
- Sudden Oak Death
- Sulfur Cinquefoil
- Whitetop
- Yarrow
- Yellow Starthistle