Master Gardener at Greenbank Farm.

Master Gardeners

Program Contact: Loren Imes
360-639-6059 •

The WSU Extension Master Gardener Program

Master Gardeners are community volunteers who provide public education in gardening and environmental stewardship based on research at WSU and other university systems. Volunteers are trained to be community educators about issues of importance in their local communities that enhance natural resources, sustain communities, and improve the health and wellness of Washington residents. Learn more about the impact (PDF) made by volunteers around the state.

In Island County, our volunteers reach thousands of residents and visitors to Whidbey and Camano Islands through our various outreach and educational programs and plant clinics.

Become a Master Gardener Volunteer

Do you have an interest in gardening and enjoy working in the community to share knowledge with others? Learn more about becoming an Island County Master Gardener Volunteer.

  • There are over 90 Certified WSU Extension Master Gardeners active in Island County. As trained, volunteer community educators, these Master Gardeners record thousand of hours of volunteer service and program support. Each Master Gardener also completes at least 10 hours in continuing education each year.
  • WSU Extension manages a comprehensive hands-on training class, bringing an average of 15 to 20 new Master Gardeners into the program each year in service to Island County.

Volunteering in our Community

Free Plant Clinics

Each spring and summer, Master Gardeners staff free public plant clinics in various retail and public market locations across Island County. Volunteers help answer questions about plant problems and offer vegetable, tree and ornamental plant gardening advice and valuable information about the integrated pest management control of noxious weeds and pests.

View our 2024 clinic schedule.

Growing Food for our Neighbors

Children's garden.

Volunteers at the Lord’s Garden in Oak Harbor and Coupeville Community Garden help grow fresh, healthy vegetables for low-income seniors, homeless and abused women and children and others who experience food insecurity. Master Gardener Volunteers also help maintain vegetable gardens at NASWI and Olympic View and Crescent Harbor Elementary schools through the SNAP-Ed program, helping kids learn how fun it is to grow their own healthy food.

Gardening Seminars

Master Gardeners at a seminar.

Master Gardeners conduct a series of free seminars at the Master Gardener Educational Garden at Greenbank Farm from May through October each year. Topics include vegetable gardening, composting, integrated pest management techniques, water management, fruit tree management and proper plant selection and maintenance for success in Island County growing conditions.

View the 2024 Master Gardener Education Series schedule (PDF)

The Whidbey Gardening Workshop

Hosted by the Island County Master Gardener Foundation, the Whidbey Gardening Workshop has educated and inspired gardeners from Whidbey Island and beyond for more than 30 years. Each March, the workshop offers more than 45 classes from expert instructors on all aspects of gardening. Gardeners ranging from beginner to advanced can choose from classes on garden care, maintenance and design with a focus on sustainability and the growing conditions in our maritime environment. For more information about the event, visit the Whidbey Gardening Workshop website.

The Education Garden at Greenbank Farm

Designed, maintained and managed by Master Gardeners, the mission of the Island County Master Gardener Education Garden is to educate the public on best home gardening practices and to encourage their application. The educational program includes demonstrating environmentally responsible gardening, providing ideas for planning and maintaining gardens, experimenting with new plants and techniques, conducting workshops and serving as a resource for all gardeners, from beginner to experienced. Visitors are often able to speak with on-site Master Gardeners who are there every Wednesday morning working in the garden.

Two Master Gardeners sitting at a table ready to answer questions.

Ask a Master Gardener!

For free advice on gardening and plant problems on Camano and Whidbey islands, contact us!

360-639-6058 or

You can also find a wealth of free, research-based gardening information at the Gardening in Washington State website, and fact sheets on many common plant problems at WSU Hortsense.

Master Gardener Gazette logo

Our quarterly publication describes the work our wonderful volunteers do in Island County. Take a look!