Master Gardener Education Garden at Greenbank Farm

Program Contact: Loren Imes
360-639-6059 •

Education Garden

In March 2002, WSU Extension Island County Master Gardener Volunteers began the groundwork for an educational garden at the historic Greenbank Farm. Farm management identified several areas for our garden projects. We developed a five-year plan for creating six garden areas, guided by our mission and the need to ensure the gardens would be consistent with the Greenbank Farm context. Since then, more garden areas have been added. Over time, the gardens continue to evolve, as we update and display a variety of plants for Whidbey Island gardening.

Our mission is to educate the public on best home gardening practices and to encourage their application

Our educational program includes:

  • demonstrating environmentally responsible gardening
  • providing ideas for planning and maintaining gardens
  • experimenting with new plants and techniques
  • conducting workshops
  • serving as a resource for all gardeners, from beginning to experienced.

Our purpose is to

  • enhance our community’s quality of life
  • communicate the joys and rewards of gardening.

Master Gardener volunteers form the work force. A work crew gathers at the garden each Wednesday, from 9 am to noon, even in the winter months. Funding comes from the Island County Master Gardener Foundation’s annual Whidbey Gardening Workshop and plant sale, as well as grants from community organizations. A formal agreement between the Port of Coupeville and Washington State University governs overall operation and responsibilities at the Greenbank Educational Gardens.

Visit the Gardens at the Historic Greenbank Farm

The gardens are free and open to the public from dawn to dusk every day at Greenbank Farm, 765 Wonn Road in Greenbank. Master Gardeners are available to answer your gardening questions during their weekly garden workday, Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

The map shows the layout of the current gardens. Click the list of gardens below to learn more about each one. Better yet, visit them in person! You can also follow the Education Garden on Facebook.