Cottage Garden

Program Contact: Loren Imes
360-639-6059 •

Characteristics of the Cottage Garden are indicative of the 1920 era – a combination of casual, whimsical, and useful.

As you enter the garden from the west, on your right are Viburnum shrubs that provide foliage and a canopy for the understory plants. On the left are plants that show their beauty in the winter: Yellow Twig Dogwood, Beautyberry bush, Witch Hazel (Hamamelis), and the contorted look of the Weeping Cedar.

Wander the pathways and you will discover “islands” of plantings. Small gardens like these islands allow you to try a variety of plant combinations, or to feature a favorite bloom.

In the middle of the garden is a child-resistant waterfall providing the sound of a waterfall without the danger of a pond. Across from the pond are some unusual trees: a Smoke Tree, a Peanut Butter Tree, and a Strawberry Tree (the last two trees were chosen for their name interest for children).

An apple tree fence (espalier) was designed to create the effect of a room and to produce fruit. We have also added some fruit trees and vegetables to the flower beds to show an ability to have color as well as food.


Garden Tips

During design, outline planting beds with a hose or rope to use as a digging guide.

Plant in drifts.

Use drain rocks under the eaves of a building to prevent backsplash.

Add old farm tools, implements, or other “found” objects to the garden to provide interest, focal points, and whimsy.

Variegated foliage and chartreuse plants add brightness to shady areas.

Drought tolerant plants still need water.