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Lincoln-Adams WA 4-H Volunteer Hours Reporting

Program Contact: Randy Williams

Make Your Hours Count!


Why Do 4-H Volunteers Need to Report Hours?

WSU Extension could not have an educational impact in local communities without the work done by volunteers. For this we thank you very much!

Volunteer hours are a powerful reporting tool for WSU Extension to demonstrate the broad-based support for our programming by citizens across Washington State. The State 4-H Office can provide the total numbers of WSU volunteer hours and their economic value – BY COUNTY – to County Commissioners and State Legislators to support the value of WSU Extension 4-H programs.

Also, both WSU and the State of Washington look after the well-being of volunteers by requiring workers’ compensation insurance for every volunteer. This pays for medical treatment in the event that you are injured while working as a volunteer.

Washington State law requires that all volunteers working in support of WSU programs are covered by worker compensation insurance. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industry uses the dates and number of hours that volunteers work to determine the amount of insurance that must be purchased to adequately cover our volunteers. To be in compliance with State Law, WSU Extension developed the online tool to facilitate collection and analysis of volunteer contributions.

All WSU Extension Volunteers are required to log in to report hours they worked for any WSU Extension program. Ideally, reporting should be done monthly, but the records can be “caught up” at any time. See details and other options on the 4-H Volunteer Time Log Instructions.

Report Your Volunteer Hours

4-H is so excited to use the GivePulse software program for tracking volunteer hours!  Please use the following steps to create your account with GivePulse:

Claim your account
• Receive Email from Give Pulse to claim account that has been created for you
• Begin logging “Impact Hours” AKA Volunteer Hours
1) Add Impact
• Enter time and event that took place
2) Register for Programed Event and claim hours
• Some of the events have alread been logged, ie, monthly Leader’s Council Meetings, EYAC, Reoccurring 4-H Club Meeting, etc.

TIPS: The main thing for the leaders to do is to sign up and when they want to report any hours, the word in the system is not hours but “impact.” They “add an impact.”
On the initial sign-up page, it immediately asks for a WSU email…this throws everyone off because most of our volunteers do not have a WSU email…however, there is a spot for non-WSU email folks to sign up (just under where it asks for a WSU address). This part is a common spot where people get nervous and freeze up. So, if you can get past that point, then you are good to go. They also need to remember that “impacts” is the term for hours.


Julie Hartz    509-659-3209
WSU Extension Program Assistant – Lincoln-Adams
205 W Main Ave., Ritzville, WA 99169

About the requirement:
Randy Williams    509-869-1818 or 509-725-4171
Lincoln-Adams 4-H Program Coordinator

WSU Extension Programs are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local WSU Extension Office. To request accommodation for special needs for Lincoln-Adams, WA programs in advance, call 659-3209 or 725-4171.