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Program Contact: Don Llewellyn, Lincoln County Extension Director and State Livestock Extension Specialist
(509) 725-4171 ext 1093 •

Dr. Don Llewellyn


Don Llewellyn is an Associate Professor and State Livestock Extension Specialist with Washington State University (WSU) and serves as Director of Lincoln County Extension located in Davenport, WA.  Don is a native of Lincoln County and grew up in Wilbur, WA, earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Science at Oklahoma State University, and his Master’s and Ph.D. Degrees in Ruminant Nutrition at Kansas State University.  Don’s current Extension programming is aimed at strategies to control feed costs, improving reproduction, health, and productivity of beef herds through nutrition and management.  He also provides multi-species programming for youth livestock exhibitors and producers.  His applied research activities include evaluation of alternative protein supplements, forages, and silages for beef cattle, and enhancement of forage quality and utilization for beef and dairy herds.  New research is focusing on reducing the impact of invasive winter annual grasses and restoring native and improved perennial species in pastures and rangelands in the Pacific Northwest.


“Innovation rather than Renovation”–Producers and animals scientists do a lot of things very well. It is imperative that we enhance what we do well by providing producers with timely research-based information geared toward making livestock systems work better.


Focusing on three key components related to profitability and long-term viability of beef cattle operations:

  • Beef cow nutrition/reproduction–utilize effective nutritional management to maximize the number of cows bred, and healthy calves born and marketed per cow exposed during the breeding season.
  • Management systems–Optimizing the use of available forages, protecting natural resources, and exploring the utilization of alternative feeds, forages, and supplements with a focus on reducing costs and increasing producer’s profits.
  • Livestock production, safety, and quality–This program includes providing producers the knowledge to keep cows and calves healthy throughout all stages of production.  In addition, Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) and Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Training, along with proper animal handling programming helps insure safe and wholesome meat products for the consumer.


Norberg, O.S., D. Llewellyn, S. Fransen, S. Kesoju. 2021. Intercropping irrigated corn with two soybean maturity groups at different planting rates for forage. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management. e20074.
Allen, A. J., D. A. Llewellyn, S. R. Kerr, T. D. Hudson, J. S. Neibergs, S. M. Smith, and D. A. Moore. 2019. Developing herd health education for and assessing risky practices of cow-calf producers.  J. of Extension 57(5), available online at
Davis, D., G. Aiken, D. A. Llewellyn, K. Lea, and S. R. Smith. 2018. Case Study: Intake and apparent digestibility by beef calves of Alamo and Cave-in-Rock switchgrass cultivars harvested as hay at 3 different maturities.  The Professional Animal Scientist, 34:469-473.
Nelson, M. L., and D. A. Llewellyn. 2018. Do beef production conferences affect beef producers’ perceptions of applied research and Extension programs? J. of Extension 56(3), available online at
Llewellyn, D. A., R. Sero, E. Walker, J. S. Neibergs, J. P. Driver, and J. Smith. 2016. A successful youth beef exhibitor program:  Reviewing history, industry milestones, education, and 35 years of carcass excellence.  J. of NACAA, 9(1), available online at
Llewellyn, D. A., and T. T. Marston. 2016. Case Study:  Influence of fall liquid protein supplementation on performance of beef cows gazing native range.  J. of NACAA, 9(1), available online at
Llewellyn, D. A., G. Rohwer, O.S. Norberg, E. Kimura, J.S. Neibergs, and S.C. Fransen. 2015. Case Study:  Evaluating farm processed canola and camelina meals as protein supplements for beef cattle.  J. of NACAA, 8(2), available online at
Llewellyn, D. A., E. A. K. Schlickau, T. T. Marston, K. W. Harborth, R. M. Breiner, J. A. Unruh, and M. E. Dikeman. 2013. Influence of early weaning beef cows on the performance of male progeny and the need for winter protein supplementation. Agricultural Sciences 4(12):701-708.
Llewellyn, D. A. 2013. Finding first-year success in Extension:  Navigating stakeholder needs and institutional expectations.  J. Human Sci. Ext. 1(1):115-124.

Important Livestock Information:


 WSU Carcass Calculator

The WSU Livestock Carcass Grade & Cutability Calculator

(Free app available on both Android and iOS)

The calculator is an excellent way for producers, niche marketers, butchers, livestock judges, meat evaluators, and youth to quickly determine the yield grade and cutability of beef, pork or lamb carcasses.

Android link:

iTune Store link:

For More Information Contact:
Sarah M. Smith, or 509-754-2011 x4363

Livestock Insurance Programs Available in the Pacific Northwest 

Livestock Producers Need to Make Coverage Decisions Starting July 1

SPOKANE, Wash., June 24, 2015 — The USDA Risk Management Agency’s (RMA) Spokane Regional Office reminds livestock producers in the Pacific Northwest of upcoming important dates for federal livestock risk management programs available in all counties in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. MORE

Extension Animal Agriculture Team

Livestock specialists with WSU Extension produce a quarterly statewide newsletter that provides timely information on livestock production and animal care. Archived newsletters and other fact sheets are at

Also visit: Grant/Adams Livestock Web Pages

Livestock Marketing Information Center

WSU is a member of a national marketing data and analysis clearinghouse representing most land grant universities. We provide a bi-weekly newsletter on livestock marketing with local prices, national analysis, and useful news related to livestock markets. You can request to be added to this listserv by sending a blank email to There are many publicly available resources on their website.

Low-Stress Cattle Handling Review

Low-Stress Cattle Handling Review from WSU CAHNRS Video Production on Vimeo.

Extension is for Everyone

Extension programs and policies are consistent with federal and state laws and regulations on nondiscrimination regarding race; sex/gender; sexual orientation; gender identity/expression; religion; age; color; creed; national or ethnic origin; physical, mental, or sensory disability, including disability requiring the use of a trained service animal; marital status, genetic information, and/or status as an honorably discharged veteran or member of the military. Report concerns to, 509-335-8288, or your local Extension office. Requests for special accommodations at Lincoln-Adams Extension Events can be made at least two weeks in advance by calling 509-659-3209 or 509-725-4171.
