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Bull’s Eye Rot Quiz

Bull's Eye Rot

Bull's Eye Rot Quiz
1. Bull’s Eye Rot (BER) is(Required)
2. BER is caused by four Neofabraea species. Which species is more often found on pears in Oregon.(Required)
3. BER is a post-harvest disease of(Required)
4. It is easy to differentiate between BER infections caused by the different Neofabraea species on fruit.(Required)
5. Infections of BER originate from(Required)
6. In Washington State BER accounts for _% of overall decayed fruit(Required)
7. Infections are more frequent in rainy seasons and on late cultivars that tend to receive more rain.(Required)
8. BER is caused by four Neofabraea species. In central Washington BER is predominantly caused by(Required)
9. BER symptoms of infections originating from the stem end show lesions that are depressed, circular, flat to slightly sunken with a light brown to dark brown halo around a lighter brown to tan center.(Required)
10. BER is caused by four Neofabraea species. Which species is more widespread in western Washington where it causes Anthracnose cankers in addition to BER.(Required)
11. Neofabraea species can overwinter, as asymptomatic infections, in mummified fruits, pruned wood, leaf litter, and on grass around the orchard(Required)
12. Which statement is true?(Required)
13. BER does not spread from decayed to healthy fruits inside the bin in cold storage.(Required)
14. It is ideal to harvest fruit while they are dry and store immediately.(Required)
15. For more effective control of BER chemical treatments should be applied(Required)