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Connecting Communities, Resources, and Knowledge

WSU Clark County Extension programs engage people, organizations and communities to advance knowledge, economic well-being, and quality of life by fostering inquiry, learning, and the application of research. Extension has connected the people and communities of Clark County with the knowledge base of Washington State University since 1917.

For information regarding office hours, workshop and events, you may reach faculty or your program coordinator directly by email or telephone.  You may also call the main line at 564-397-5733 for further details and assistance.

County Programs

extensionlogoThe national Extension system website provides an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from land-grant universities nationwide. Got a question? Ask eXtension knowledge providers – experts in most subjects.


Public agencies and community links in Clark County.

Land Grant Universities – Connecting You to Reliable, Practical Knowledge

The two land-grant universities in Washington include: Washington State University (WSU) and the  Northwest Indian College in Bellingham.

Established by Congress in the 1800s, the land-grant system, through Extension Services, provides better access to the knowledge base of WSU and other land-grant universities nation-wide.  The Smith-Lever Act of 1914 established the nationwide Cooperative Extension Service as part of the land-grant system.  WSU Extension is a three-way partnership between USDA, Washington State University, and local county governments.   Extension started in Clark county on November 1, 1917.

National Job Bank

Job listings for Extension, outreach, research, and higher education positions nationwide.

Journal of Extension

As the official refereed journal of the national Extension System, the Journal of Extension (JOE) seeks to expand and update the research and knowledge base for Extension professionals and other adult educators to improve their effectiveness. For the convenience of users, we provide links to external sites that open in separate tabs/windows. WSU Extension does not review, control, or take responsibility for the content of these sites. These external sites do not implicitly or explicitly represent official positions and policies of WSU Extension.

Master Gardeners Answer Clinic: Personalized advice and assistance for all your gardening needs.

78th Street Heritage Farm

78th Street Heritage Farm Guided Tour:

Agricultural Suicide Prevention Resources

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Clark County Extension

1919 NE 78th St
Vancouver, WA 98665
(564) 397-5733

Contact Information

Clark County Extension

1919 NE 78th St
Vancouver, WA 98665
(564) 397-5733