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Gallmakers Quiz


Gallmakers Quiz
1. Plant galls are an accelerated growth of the growing tissue and is initiated by(Required)
2. Plant galls always form in response to an interaction with insects.(Required)
3. Galls can form in the developing tissues of any plant structure including leaves, buds, stems, flowers, shoots, or roots.(Required)
4. Which statement is false(Required)
5. Oak apple galls and thimbleberry galls are formed by(Required)
6. Reddish galls on kinnikinnik are formed by(Required)
7. Galls on spruce are formed by(Required)
8. Closed galls form around sucking insects in response to the salivary juices of the insect.(Required)
9. It’s important to identify the adult insect emerging from the gall because it may be a parasitoid that should be conserved, rather than destroyed.(Required)
10. Many gall makers are heavily parasitized once they become numerous enough for parasitoids to locate them.(Required)