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Amaryllis and Insects (2 articles in one publication)

Posted by | March 15, 2021


Published in: The Columbian • March, 2021

By Liz Pike

Excerpt from the Columbian article:

You couldn’t resist them. They were everywhere during the Christmas holiday shopping season; full, voluptuous bulbs just waiting to surprise us with gorgeous blooms atop a slender green stalk. Yes, the promise of the almighty Amaryllis sucked us in. Just like Mother Nature’s guarantee of Spring after every Winter, these bulbs deliver! I watched in amazement each day as the one given to me by a friend blossomed. What began as a few healthy green shoots morphed into two fabulous sets of multiple lily-like flowers. Mine were a deep velvety color of red and they did not disappoint.

Read the entire article online — page 4

By Bekah Marten

Excerpt from the Columbian article:

Butterflies and bees are well-known as beneficial insects, owing to their role in pollination. What about the other critters we find in and around our homes; are they friend or foe? Of the over one million species of insects worldwide, 95% of them are either beneficial or neutral in terms of their impact on people. Only a small percent of insects are considered pests.

Read the entire article online — page 5

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