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Workshops & Events

Master Gardener Program
Erika Johnson, Program Coordinator
(564) 397-5738

MGwkshp collage

Upcoming Workshops & Events
Zoom Webinar Access

The Master Gardener Program sponsors, and co-sponsors with other area agencies, events, workshops, nursery tours, and much more. See our upcoming events below.

Upcoming Workshops and Events

  • Dates in July, August and September — Join the WSU Extension Clark County Master Gardener Program for a guided tour of the 79-acre 78th Street Heritage Farm in Vancouver, Washington.
  • July 25, 2024 — Spend a day journeying with Master Gardeners to visit three sites featuring plants suited to the emerging hot, dry summers of our region. Departure at 8:45 a.m. sharp.
  • August 17, 2024 — Daytime astronomy program about the sun intended for all ages. Registration required.
  • August 19, 2024 — Pollinator Posse! Learn about the roles pollinators play and leave with tips for your own pollinator garden, plus free seeds.

Zoom Webinar Access: It’s easy!

As of the State of Washington’s Stay Home Stay Healthy order, all of our current workshops are being offered virtually via webinar, through Zoom. Anyone with internet access and a desktop or laptop computer, tablet or smart phone can view these events.

You must download Zoom onto your device in order to view webinars put on by WSU Extension. Zoom has a version that is free. It’s a quick and easy process.

How to download Zoom on your device.

Go to

Click on the orange Sign Up, It’s Free button at the top of the page.

Proceed through the process as prompted.

Once you have signed up, you will receive an email from Zoom with information on how to finish the registration process. (Doing so will result in your having your very own personal log in and password. Hold onto these for all future Zoom meetings and webinars.)

Here’s a helpful video tutorial on setting up a Zoom account.

How to access a meeting/webinar.

Method 1:

The event organizer will provide you with a link that will take you directly to your meeting/webinar. Some events will also include a meeting ID and password. Enter these when prompted.

Method 2:

You may also access events by going through your Zoom account. To do this, go to and click on Sign in. Enter your personal Zoom log in and password. Once in, click on Join a Meeting at the top of the page.

Enter the meeting ID (and password if required) provided by the event organizer.

To learn more, visit Zoom’s very helpful tutorial page.

Zoom Troubleshooting Tips:

We have learned a few things from past Zoom events that we’d like to pass on to you to minimize problems accessing them. Most of the issues seem to be problems unique to each user and device, and we have very limited ability to troubleshoot. But each of the tips below has worked for someone.

 If you are new to Zoom or think you might have a problem, it is important to log on early so you have time to try these tips:

  • If you are using Zoom through your web browser, try downloading and using the desktop client instead. In fact, it may be good for everyone to download and have this ready in advance.
  • If you are using a phone or tablet (either Android or IOS), use the Zoom app instead of using a web browser.
  • Make sure you are not mixing up your personal Zoom account password and the meeting password, which are different. You will be prompted for them at different times (if at all, depending on your device). This is one of the most common problems.
  • Make sure you are logging into Zoom with the same e-mail/account you used to register for the webinar.
  • Try using a different internet browser. Chrome seems to work best. Microsoft Edge seems to cause the most problems.
  • Enable cookies in your browser.
  • Log into Zoom in your browser and/or in your Zoom app prior to clicking on the link.
  • Update the Zoom client on your device.
  • Completely log out of Zoom (both on your device’s Zoom app., and on the Zoom website, log back in, and try again.
  • Flush the cookies and cache from your web browser, close the browser, and then restart.
  • Uninstall and reinstall Zoom on your device.
  • Try accessing the webinar on a different computer/device.

Our pages provide links to external sites for the convenience of users. WSU Extension does not manage these external sites, nor does Extension review, control, or take responsibility for the content of these sites. These external sites do not implicitly or explicitly represent official positions and policies of WSU Extension.

WSU Clark County Master Gardener Program
1919 NE 78th Street • Vancouver, WA 98665
(564) 397-5738

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