Master Gardener Answer/Plant Clinic is now open! Every Monday, 9-11am, at our WSU Extension office. Do you need to identify your plant or have a diseased plant diagnosed? Does your plant have a pest problem? Questions about your compost or weed control or lawn/turf issues? “Let’s Talk Plants!” Click for intake forms —->>>>
PLEASE: if you bring in any diseased plants or pests, put them in a *sealed* container, one that is see-through if possible (glass jar, ziploc baggie, etc.)! We have plants in the office and prefer they don’t become infected! Thanks!
Washington State University Stevens County Extension connects the people of Stevens county to the research and knowledge bases of the state’s land grant research university providing solutions to local problems and stimulating local economies. Our county-based educators work with partners in your communities to provide educational programs and leverage the broad resources of a major university to resolve issues and create a positive future for the residents of Stevens county.