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Master Gardeners

Program Contact: Linda Teller, Extension Coordinator
(509) 684-2588 •


Want to learn more about gardening…

AND make a difference in your community?

If yes, the WSU Extension Master Gardener program may be just right for you!  Being a WSU Master Gardener provides you with every opportunity to learn more about gardening, make new friends, take on new challenges – all while giving back to your community.

WSU Master Gardeners are volunteer educators who teach sustainable gardening and landscaping practices based on research-based horticultural science.  Volunteer work may encompass either in-person presentations, one-on-one support, educational signage created for demonstration gardens, social media posts, online or webinar support, or…. ALL OF THE ABOVE!

Training is estimated to require 120 hours. When satisfactorily completed, trainees become Interns. Master Gardener Interns complete 40 volunteer hours within 1 year to become a “Certified Master Gardener”. Certified Master Gardeners annually volunteer 25+ hours and complete 10 hours of continuing education to remain in the program.

The WSU Master Gardener Program is open to anyone over the age of 18 who has a passion for gardening… and a desire and willingness to use their experiences, knowledge, and enthusiasm to make a positive impact on Stevens County.

Training Program

Volunteers must complete the required training and volunteer time to be certified as a Master Gardener. This is a college-level course that takes about 14-16 weeks to complete.  Much of the course is online, however students are required to attend in-person lab trainings every other week.  These in-person trainings offer important hands-on experience as well as teamwork building.

NOTE: Computer familiarity is strongly recommended. There are required online training videos & exercises. A computer lab is available for use at the extension office, and every effort will be made to accommodate those who need help.

Topics included in the training are:

Botany Soils & Composting Organic Gardening
Plant Identification Tree Fruit Water Quality
Plant Pathology Vegetable Gardening Turf Management
Plant Problem Diagnosis Pesticide Safety & Use Back Yard Forest Health
Weed Identification Entomology Woody Plant Pruning


Requirements to “graduate” and become an Extension Master Gardener Intern:

  1. Successful completion of the application and screening process.
  2. Attendance at orientation and all training sessions. The course is 15-16 weeks, mostly completed online, but in-person classes are held bi-weekly on a weeknight, 4-7pm (day TBD by class voting).
  3. Successful completion/passing grade of online curriculum, open book quizzes and exams.
  4. Signing of a Pest Control Recommendation Contract.
  5. Passing a national background check.


  • $85 = Online Curriculum fee
  • $65 = Local Expenses fee
  • $15 = Background Check processing fee
  • $165 TOTAL
  • $50 (Optional) = printed notebook version of the online curriculum.


Post Class Requirements

1st year (Internship)

  • Volunteer a minimum of 40 hours for the year following training. This could include garden demonstrations, plant/answer clinics, hands-on classes at local libraries, farmers market/event booths, writing articles for local papers, creating webinar presentations, etc.  Volunteer opportunities will be provided by the program coordinator.
  • Keep accurate records of volunteer service time and submit hours on a regular/monthly basis.
  • Agree to follow published WSU recommendations for use of home horticulture pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides).

Certified Master Gardeners (from 2nd year onward)

  • Volunteer a minimum of 25 hours.  Volunteer opportunities will be provided by the program coordinator.
  • 10 hours of approved Continuing Education.
  • Keep accurate records of volunteer service time and submit hours on a regular/monthly basis.
  • Agree to follow published WSU recommendations for use of home horticulture pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides).

Master Gardener Volunteer job description.


MASTER GARDENER Application Process

  • Step 1 – print and complete the Master Gardener Application 2024 (fillable PDF) or (printable PDF)
    – For your reference, here is a link to the 2024 Application Cover Letter
  • Step 2 – Submit your completed Master Gardener Application Form
    • Applications are processed as they come in and are due September 4, 2024. With enough applications, we will begin the 2024-25 class in early October.
    • The application form asks for background information on gardening and volunteer experiences, general availability for volunteer work (used by program coordinators to help connect volunteers with projects), contact information for three references, and demographics. Completed applications must be emailed as an attachment to or hardcopies mailed or hand-delivered to the Extension office.
  • Step 3 – Background check – Washington State University requires background checks, including driver’s license checks, of all new volunteers. A criminal record or poor driving record does not bar you as a volunteer but will be considered as it relates to volunteer duty assignments.  Cost is $15.
  • Step 4 – Preliminary screening will be from information on the application form. Primary considerations are based on:
    • Interest in volunteer work
    • Availability for volunteer work
    • People skills (i.e., ability to assist Extension in horticulture educational efforts)
    • Gardening experience
    • Staff will email/USPS mail confidential reference letters to the references listed on the application. At least two must be returned before the applicant can be accepted into the Master Gardener program.
  • Step 5 – Interview – We invite applicants in for an informal interview giving the applicant the opportunity to learn more about the Master Gardener Program and ask questions about training and volunteer work.
  • Step 6 – Applicants will be advised if they were selected for the Master Gardener Program.

Extension programs are available to all without discrimination. Selection is not based on race, age, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status, disability or handicap.

Students requesting handicap accommodations should directly contact the WSU Stevens County Extension office at 509-684-2588.