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Outstanding 4-H Leader Nominations

Take time to nominate your leader for Outstanding 4-H Leader of the Year. Leaders will be recognized in two categories. The first is for New Leaders with one or tow years of service and the second is for Experienced Leaders with 3 or more years of service. Winners will be recognized at the 4-H Awards […]

NE WA Fair

NE WA Fairgrounds 317 W Astor Ave, Colville

Outstanding Teen Nominations Due

Outstanding Teen Nominations due by September 15. Each year a junior or senior high school 4-H member(s) is recognized as an Outstanding 4-H Teen(s). However, they can't win unless nominated, so nominate a teen from your club. Winners are selected through a nomination and interview process, based on their entire 4-H career. Winner(s) will be honored […]