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Year-End Awards

(360) 228-7307 •


4-H programs are grounded in the belief that kids learn best by doing. Youth work throughout the year on hands-on projects in areas like science, health, art, agriculture and civic engagement, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Youth can concentrate on one focus area or they can try a variety of programs throughout their 4-H experience.

Year End Awards are designed to honor 4-H youth by recognizing their growth, achievements, accomplishments, and participation in their project(s) all year long.

Awards Applications Due Date: 2nd Tuesday in October by 4PM to the Kitsap County 4-H office or Kitsap County 4-H Council. If delivering to the Kitsap County 4-H office,
please call
to make an appointment. Additional drop off locations and times will be sent out via clubs, email or social media pages.

Awards Celebration Event Date: Event typically takes place in early November to celebrate the accomplishments of the youth for the previous 4-H year (October – September). 4-H youth will be sent invitations if they will be receiving an award. Those not receiving awards may also attend to support the overall 4-H youth. More information about the awards celebration will be sent out via clubs, emails or social media pages. 

Awards Types: There are two types of awards, those in which the youth apply for and those in which leaders or superintendents designate or nominate. 

Awards Handbook: For more support to complete the applications above, review the below Handbook.