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Join 4-H

(360) 228-7307 •

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How Do I Join 4-H?

Please read fully and follow these steps when inquiring about 4-H. Check out our FAQ section for more information on age requirements, cost, and when you can join.

1. Looking for a Club? First check out our list of current clubs in the “Find a Club Now” button below. Once you have found a club of interest fill out our 4-H inquiry form stating your club(s) of choice. 4-H office staff will then connect you with the appropriate club.

2. The Club leader will reach out with the following club information, including:

  • Location of meetings
  • Time of meetings
  • Required attendance
  • Parental involvement required

3. Attend a Club meeting to see if it is a good fit for you and your child
It is important that before you enroll in 4-H you have found a club that is a good fit for your child and family.

4. Enroll your child

5. Pay your 4-H State and County fees online by credit card before attending your next club meeting.

  • $25 WSU State 4-H fees (per youth)
  • $25 Kitsap County 4-H fees (per youth, with a 3 youth per family cap, $75 total per family). If you are a family of more than three youth please contact the office to receive the enrollment coupon code.
  • There are NO refunds for membership fees so please make sure that the Club is a good fit for you and your family before making your payment.
  • Scholarships available: Kitsap Scholarship Request Form

6. Enjoy your 4-H year and continue to Learn By Doing!

If you have any questions feel free to contact the office with any further questions.

FAQ – 4-H Common Questions

How old do I have to be?

4-H is open to every youth, ages 5-19, without discrimination!

*4-H “age” is determined by the age of the youth by October 1st of the current 4-H year. Shooting sports and large animal projects require youth to be at least 8 years of age by October 1st to participate.

How much does it cost?

This is a once-per-year fee that allows youth to participate in as many 4-H projects as they choose (some projects and special-interest programs have additional costs).  Financial assistance is available upon request – no youth will be denied access to 4-H programs.

In 4-H, you get to decide what to join. These are some of the active projects in Kitsap County:

Animals: Dogs, Horses, Cats, Rabbits, Cavies, Llamas, Beef, Sheep, Goats, Poultry
Shooting Sports: Archery
Arts: Sewing, Photography, Creative Arts
Sciences: Environmental, Veterinary, Food & Nutrition

Who Can Start A Club?
Not seeing a club type that matches your childs interests? We are always open and eager to start new clubs. Contact our office to learn more about starting your own club.

When can I Join 4-H?

Kitsap 4-H is always eager to have members join.  We accept membership year round.  However, to participate in the Kitsap Fair & Stampede, you must be enrolled in 4-H by May 1st of the current year.

A club is a group of at least 5 youth from 3 different families that are led by a certified adult.

4-H clubs are run by volunteers. Any community member is welcome to become a certified volunteer and start a new club.  Clubs may be a single-project club, where the group only participates in one project area (like dogs, or cooking) or multi-project club, where the club offers multiple project areas. 

If you are interested, please contact the 4-H office for more information.



If you have any questions on enrollment, please phone or email:
(360) 228-7307