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Pressure Canner Safety

Program Contact: Paisley Gallagher, Food Access Program Coordinator
(360) 228-7302 •

Home food canning is a traditional preservation method that allows people to store fruits, vegetables, and other foods for extended periods. By utilizing the pressure canning method for low-acid foods, home canners can safely seal their produce in jars, protecting them from spoilage and bacteria. This process not only extends the shelf life of homegrown or locally sourced foods but also enables people to enjoy seasonal flavors year-round. Canning at home can be a rewarding and economical way to reduce food waste, maintain nutritional value, and foster a deeper connection with the food one consumes. Proper sterilization and following tested recipes are crucial to ensure safety and prevent the growth of harmful pathogens such as botulism.

Pressure canner testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the safety and effectiveness of home canning processes. By prioritizing pressure canner testing, you contribute to the longevity and efficiency of your canning equipment while ensuring the health and well-being of those who enjoy your home-canned delights.

A proper reading gauge is the first step to safe canning. We test gauges, check seals, and overall canner condition. We are a wealth of resources and want to make sure you have the best tools at hand. Food preservation is beautiful and fun, but most of all, the food needs to be safe to consume.

Email Paisley Gallagher to make an appointment to come talk to us about pressure canner testing.

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