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Master Gardeners

Program Contact: Horticulture Program
(360) 228-7306 •

About the Master Gardener Program

The horticulture and environmental education outreach for WSU Extension Kitsap County is performed in a variety of ways, utilizing both staff and volunteers.

Master Gardeners contribute over 19,000 hours of volunteer time each year reaching over 75,000 Kitsap County residents. Volunteers are trained to solve gardening problems and give WSU research-based advice to the public. Our volunteers staff regularly scheduled plant problem diagnostic clinics in many locations during the gardening season, helping people learn to garden more productively. In addition, they staff a clinic at the extension office where you can bring your gardening problems. Volunteers are in the office on Wednesdays from 10-12 and 1-3 from mid-April through the end of October.

Staff and volunteers educate the public about: organic gardening practices; youth gardening; water quality; landscaping septic systems; best landscape practices; plant selection and maintenance (right plant/right place): identification of plants, insects and weeds; IPM (Integrated Pest Management): environmental stewardship; native plants; and sustainability practices.


Do you have a Gardening Question?

Contact a Kitsap County Master Gardener:

Phone: (360) 228-7320.

For more information about the Horticulture programs at Washington State University Kitsap county Extension, contact (360) 228-7306.