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Meet the Coordinator: Regional Small Farms

This month’s coordinator spotlight:

Jess Sappington, Food Systems / Regional Small Farms

The Regional Small Farms Program supports small to mid-sized farms in Clallam, Jefferson and Kitsap Counties by leveraging the broad resources of a major university to resolve issues and create a positive food future for our region.

Let’s learn a little more about Jess and the Regional Small Farms Program:

How did you first get involved with Regional Small Farms?

I went to college for environmental studies and sustainable agriculture. It was there where I first fell in love with farming while I interned on our school’s farm. The farm produced food for a small CSA program, provided fresh food to the local food bank, and worked with disadvantaged youth teaching them about food and farming. Working collaboratively to grow food from seed to harvest and seeing the impact that food had in the community was an amazing experience. After college I went into the Peace Corps. and served in the small island nation of Vanuatu working with their Department of Agriculture. I was assigned to the island of Tanna working with their local extension agents who were assisting farmers with a coffee growers cooperative project. Working with farmers overseas and seeing how those extension agents built relationships within their farm community was inspiring. After coming back and learning more about our states extension system, I knew that was a role that I wanted to explore.

Jess with Farmer Angie Cordiano at Kitsap Farms in Hansville WA

What is the most rewarding part about your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is bringing people together. I love being able to facilitate groups of farmers who are networking and sharing their expertise or a group of community organizations working together on a project. I like to look for additional ways that Extension can benefit farmers and those that we serve. Exploring what could be and being creative on how that happens is what fuels me.

What is one important or valuable feature of Regional Small Farms that is not commonly known?

Most people don’t realize that we are a regional program. We serve farmers in Clallam, Jefferson and Kitsap and have extension agents in each county working together to provide technical assistance, education and resource to our farmers. We also have access to statewide WSU specialist and a toolbox full of amazing partners to pull from. I like to say that if we can’t figure out the answer we will find someone who can.

Any other information you’d like people to know?

For more information about our Regional Small Farms programming please visit!

– Posted February 25, 2023

Meet the Coordinator: Kitsap 4-H Youth Development

This month’s coordinator spotlight:

Lis Nilsson, Kitsap 4-H Youth Development

4-H is America’s largest youth development organization – empowering nearly six million young people around the world, 4-H type clubs now exist in at least 82 countries.

Let’s learn a little more about Lis and the Kitsap 4-H program:

How did you first get involved with 4-H?

I am a 4-H alumni from Northern California. I grew up on a sheep ranch and showed sheep through 4-H growing up. As an adult I went into the education field and after 11 years teaching overseas I returned to the United States and started working for WSU as the 4-H Program Coordinator here in Kitsap County. I enjoy merging my passions together including experiential education, children and animals.

Lis and the Nilsson family

What is the most rewarding part about your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is watching children come into their own. There is nothing quite like seeing a child/youth find their passion and excitement and thrive.

What is one important or valuable feature of 4-H that is not commonly known?

4-H is MORE than livestock! Most people think of 4-H as cows, sows and horses but 4-H is so much more than that. 4-H offers programs in not only livestock but also small animals including cats, dogs, rabbits, cavies and still life including cooking, sewing, photography, and expressive arts.

Any other information you’d like people to know?

When people ask me for more information about 4-H I always ask them what they or their child(ren) are interested in. 4-H can find a curriculum for any interest – from animals, to legos, to taxidermy, to clay and anything and everything in between.

– Posted January 31, 2023

USDA Census of Agriculture, 2022

Responses due Feb. 6, 2023

Click here to learn more!

The 2022 Census of Agriculture is now underway.

The Census of Agriculture is a complete count of U.S. farms and ranches and the people who operate them. Even small plots of land – whether rural or urban – growing fruit, vegetables or some food animals count if $1,000 or more of such products were raised and sold, or normally would have been sold, during the Census year. The Census of Agriculture, taken only once every five years, looks at land use and ownership, operator characteristics, production practices, income and expenditures. For America’s farmers and ranchers, the Census of Agriculture is their voice, their future, and their opportunity.

– Posted here January 11, 2023


Greetings from Kitsap Harvest

Thank you for following us. We have come to the end of yet another impactful year.

Kitsap Harvest has become an official, federally recognized non-profit. The Board is looking to connect with people interested in helping build the organization and participate on the Board. There is a lot of room to be a part of this newly formed non-profit’s growth and sustainability.

This year they recruited a team of Ameri Corps Vistas and a volunteer coordinator supported by emergency hunger relief funding. The funding and positions end in June, so everyone is working effectively to make the programming more accessible for volunteers and over all program management.

Kitsap Harvest would like to recognize the volunteers who have been helping all along, and especially in this overly wintery December. 115 hours just this month! November was the Volunteer Appreciation event and several of the volunteers earned the Presidential Service Award with 100 plus hours over the last year. Volunteers and Vista’s have helped, in a total, move just over 100,000 lbs during 2022, providing access to over 2000 residents. Incredible!

There were a small handful of gleans this year due to the unseasonal freeze killing fruit tree blossoms. 9 out of 10 home owners reported having little to no fruit this year. Each year has a story, either smoke, heat, drought, or freeze; harvesting is the response to much anticipation. Grow A Row stepped up this year and created multiple donation stations around the county. Big hopes to help home gardeners connect with information and training, plus veggie starts in this coming year. Will you pledge to Grow A Row for Kitsap Harvest?

Connect with Kitsap Harvest directly by signing up for their newsletter to follow them on their development or if you are interested in getting more involved, email


– Posted December 30, 2022

SNAP Produce Match expanding to more grocers

Amazon customers who use Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) benefits in Washington can now use SNAP Produce Match for Amazon Fresh purchases. This expands the number of grocers offering home delivery options, making the program more accessible to those with transportation challenges. To find out if Amazon Fresh Delivery is available in your area, visit and enter your zip code. To use SNAP Produce Match, simply add your SNAP/EBT card to your Amazon wallet, purchase at least $10 of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables with your SNAP benefits, and a $5 coupon will be applied to your account for your next purchase!


– Posted December 30, 2022

Get your 4-H socks!

Are you obsessed with animals, agriculture, 4-H and socks??
Support our local Kitsap 4-H by purchasing 4-H SOCKS!

$5 of every purchase will be donated to Kitsap 4-H and the socks will be shipped directly to you!!
GREAT stocking stuffers!!
Please share!

– Posted October 20, 2022

Kitsap 4-H Adult Volunteers Needed!

We are looking for adults that have time to share with youth and/or a special talent or skill they want to teach youth for hands on learning. Don’t have a talent to share, that is ok! We have many different volunteer roles and provide training for each one.

4-H students are leaders. They pursue passions. They solve problems and tackle everyday challenges. And YOU are the key to their success! We need adult volunteers to mentor 4-H youth, lead local clubs, and run events. No experience necessary – we’ll train you! Based on your specific role, we’ll let you know what level of training you may need.

A few hours a month, a week, a year…

You decide the level of involvement that fits your skills and schedule, in such roles as:

  1. Club Leader
  2. Project Leader
  3. Event Volunteer
  4. Committee Volunteer

If interested, please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form linked above!

– October 25, 2022


Warning issued for Long Lake due to potentially toxic cyanobacteria

Public advised to avoid all contact with lake water due to health risks for people and animals.


Today the Kitsap Public Health District issued a cyanobacteria warning for Long Lake in South Kitsap. The public should to avoid all contact with water in Long Lake due to the presence of potentially toxic cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae.

There are many different types of cyanobacteria and not all blooms are toxic. The cyanobacteria present in Long Lake are known to produce toxins.

Because toxic cyanobacteria can make people sick, and can kill pets, fish, waterfowl and livestock, the public is advised to:

  • Avoid all contact with the lake water until further notice. This means no swimming, wading, or types of water play where water could be swallowed or get in the mouth, nose or eyes (especially in areas where blooms are concentrated).
  • Avoid ingesting lake or stream water. If a resident draws lake water for drinking purposes, they are encouraged to drink bottled water until further notice.
  • Limit access of pets and livestock to the lake.
  • Avoid eating fish caught during the algae bloom.
  • Rinse boats and trailers thoroughly before going to another lake.

No illnesses have been reported to Kitsap Public Health at this time. Advisory signs will be posted at public access areas around the lake. The Health District will continue to monitor for cyanobacteria and announce updates as conditions change.

– Posted here August 16, 2022