The 2021 WSU Master Gardeners publication Fire-Resistant
Plants for Eastern Washington En español: “Plantas resistentes al fuego para el este de Washington” is a step by step guide to help you choose the right plant for the right place for a fire resistant landscape. It’s a valuable tool that you can use to reduce losses to your home and property from wildland fires in North Central Washington.
The 68-page guide provides information on designing a plan and lists fire-resistant plants. These plants, placed in the appropriate areas around homes and businesses, coupled with proper maintenance, can help reduce damage from wildland fires. The plant varieties listed are suitable to North Central Washington.
Similar to the publication, the two-page Fire-Resistant Landscaping for Chelan/Douglas County
brochure discusses landscaping zones around the house and the types, though not varieties, of plants to use in each zone, plus some key maintenance tips for a healthy, beautiful and fire-resistant landscape.
Arborvitaes are a popular choice for narrow hedges, but they are very flammable. Read about Arborvitae Alternatives.
Fire-Resistant Demonstration Garden
Visit a compact garden that applies the zone concept in designing a fire-resistant home landscape. It is located adjacent to the fire station on Eastmont at 4th Street, East Wenatchee, WA. The Master Gardeners designed the garden and the fire district maintains it.
Signs mark the different fire-resistant landscape zones, working from the zone closest to the sidewalk –in this demonstration, a “house”– outward to the zone furthest away. Note the plants closer to the “house” are lower and further apart, and may be taller further away. It includes aesthetic landscape features that add diversity to a yard, and non-flammable mulch. A bench, provided by a local Eagle Scout complements the landscape.
Parking is available off 4th Street in the fire station parking lot.