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Leavenworth Fish Hatchery Pollinator Garden

A gazebo in a garden.The Pollinator Garden at the Leavenworth Fish Hatchery was established in 2016 to create a safe pollinator and monarch butterfly habitat for educating students and the public. All the plants within the garden were chosen to provide nectar to pollinators, including over 200 milkweed plants and numerous plants native to Washington state.

Our Chelan-Douglas County Master Gardener Program has a partnership with the fish hatchery to help maintain the garden and interpretation. You can usually find Master Gardeners working here Tuesday mornings during the gardening season. Stop by to talk to them about pollinators and the plants that attract them, such as those listed below. Visit the garden in front of the main hatchery building at 12790 Fish Hatchery Road in Leavenworth, WA.

Learn more about the history of the pollinator partnership with the hatchery:

Events in the Pollinator Garden

Join us for events and activities in the Pollinator Garden in 2024.

  • May 17 and 18, 2024 – 8:30-10:00 am — Birdfest Magnificent Migrations — Join hatchery staff in partnership with the Master Gardeners. We will explore the diverse migratory species that visit our area, including fish, insects, and birds. The tour will finish at the Pollinator Garden for a discussion of its native plants and visiting pollinators, including wild bees and monarchs.
  • June 8, 2024 – 10:00 – 11:00 am. WNPS Joint Walk — Come visit the Pollinator Garden for a joint adventure with the Washington Native Plant Society.  The Pollinator Garden is the first Heritage Garden to make the Wall of Fame and the second certified garden in Chelan County.  A garden is certified for its use of native and water-wise plants as well as cultural and natural features.  We will discuss how to obtain the Heritage Garden Certification, provided by Cascadia Conservation District, the native plants in the pollinator garden and some ideas in approaching native garden design.  In addition, we will discuss wild pollinators such as bees and monarchs, their importance, their life cycle and how to attract and care for them in the garden.
  • July 27, 2024 – 10:00-11:00 am — Monarch Butterfly Lifecycle –[NOTE: This program will not be at the Pollinator Garden.  It will be provided to Master Gardeners and Interns via Zoom, July 27, 2024 from 10-11am.   The event will be recorded and then be available to the public, with a link from this webpage.]
    Monarch butterflies are a beautiful and endangered insect.  Their numbers have declined rapidly since 2021, and at the Thanksgiving count of 2023 there was a 30% decrease in numbers from 2022.  They are the reason that the Pollinator Garden was started in 2016.  We have the milkweed, the native plants providing nectar, and the good weather, but we are missing the Monarchs!  This session will cover their lifestyle, their complete metamorphosis from egg to butterfly, their 3000 mile migration to Mexico and California, and their generational progress as they fly north in early summer.  It will include the milkweed and nectar from native plants needed to survive, their predators and declining habitat, and how we may reintroduce them to the Pollinator Garden.
  • September 7, 2024 – 10:00 – 11:00 am — Using Occultation and Solarization to Kill Weeds and Grass — It’s always desirable to get rid of unwanted weeds and grass without pesticides but doing so can be challenging.  Two methods that can be used are occultation and solarization. In occultation or soil tarping, light is excluded from the treated area, typically using silage tarps or black plastic. In solarization, clear plastic is used so that the sun’s radiation can penetrate the treated area, killing the unwanted plants.  In this session, we will discuss our results using occultation and solarization at the Pollinator Garden to remove a weedy patch of grass, as well as making a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
  • October 2024 – Date not set — Solitary Bee Harvesting — Come join us for a hands-on bee harvesting class! This is a fun and educational event that is appropriate for people of all ages. We will be sorting through nesting material, harvesting cocoons that should be harvested in fall, controlling for any pests & diseases, and preparing bees to be stored over winter. Weather-appropriate clothes that you’re okay getting a little dirty are recommended. Feel free to bring solitary bee nesting material from your yard. If you’re considering installing a solitary bee house in your yard, please join us to learn more about how to get your new hobby started on the right foot.

Plants in the Garden listed by Scientific Name in Alphabetical Order

SEARCH TIP: If you know the common name of the plant you’re looking for, type: CTRL F on your keyboard, type in the name or word in the search field, and it will take you to the word on this page if it can be found here.

Achillea millefolium / Common Yarrow

flower and buds of common yarrow plant

Common name Common Yarrow
Scientific name Achillea millefolium
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Flower color White with flat top or dome shape
Flower season May thru July
Plant size 2-3’ H x 2-3’ W
Hardiness Zones 3-9
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators Butterflies
Winterizing instructions Let flower stems overwinter to provide bird seed, insect cover and to promote self-seeding.  Clean debris in spring before new growth if needed, otherwise leave as mulch and insect nesting sites.
Additional comments Native to temperate regions of North America as well as Europe and Asia Frost and drought tolerant.

Aquilegia chrysantha /  Golden Columbine

flowering golden columbine plant

Common name Golden Columbine
Scientific name Aquilegia chrysantha
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Flower color Yellow
Flower season Late spring
Plant size 2-3’ H x 1-2’
Hardiness Zones 3-8
Light preference Full sun to part shade
Pollinators Butterflies, bumblebees
Winterizing instructions Let flower stems overwinter to provide bird seed, insect cover and to promote self-seeding. Clean debris in spring before new growth if needed, otherwise leave as mulch and insect nesting sites.
Additional comments Deadhead to prolong blooms.

Aquilegia desertorum / Desert Columbine

red flowers of desert columbine plant

Common name Desert Columbine
Scientific name Aquilegia desertorum
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Flower color Orange red with yellow center
Flower season Summer
Plant size 1.5’ H x 1.3’ W
Hardiness Zone 5-8
Light preference Full sun to partial shade
Pollinators Hummingbirds and bees
Winterizing instructions Let flower stems overwinter to provide bird seed, insect cover and to promote self-seeding. Clean debris in spring before new growth if needed, otherwise leave as mulch and insect nesting sites.
Additional comments Native to Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. Deadhead to prolong blooms

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi / Kinnickinnick

bushy plant with small shiny leaves

Common name Kinnickinnick
Scientific name Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Plant type Evergreen groundcover with green, small shiny leaves
Flower color White or pink
Flower season Spring
Plant size 0.5’ H x 3-6’ W
Hardiness Zones 2-7
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators bees
Winterizing instructions Water if needed at temperatures above 40F.
Additional comments Also known as Bearberry. Good erosion control. Grows in arctic conditions.

Artemisia campestris var. wormskioldii. / Northern Wormwood

Plant with silvery green stems.

Common name Northern Wormwood
Scientific name Artemisia campestris var. wormskioldii
Plant type Perennial; sometimes biennial
Flower color Yellow; white
Flower season June – August
Plant size to 1 foot tall
Hardiness Zones 6a-8a
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators Many in this genus are wind-pollinated
Winterizing instructions Don’t hard prune in late fall; mulch if you like; make sure drainage is good since soggy soils cause root rot.
Additional comments Endangered in Washington state (WANHP)

Asclepias speciosa / Showy Milkweed

light pink flower with green leaves

Common name Showy Milkweed
Scientific name Asclepias speciosa
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Flower color Pinkish white to pinkish purple
Flower season Spring
Plant size 1-3’ H x 1-1.5’ W
Hardiness 3a-9b
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators Butterflies, hummingbirds, honeybees
Additional comments Leaves are the food source for monarch butterfly larvae (caterpillars).
Winterizing instructions Let the pithy stems overwinter.  In spring before bees begin activity, trim stems to a variety of 6-24” to provide nesting habitat for pollinators.  The tops can be left in a sheltered place for additional habitat.

Carex hoodii / Hood’s Sedge

Common name Hood’s Sedge
Scientific name Carex hoodii
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Flower color Flowers with reddish scales and light edges arranged in 1-2 cm long dense clusters of spikelets
Flower season Late Spring to mid Summer
Plant size 12-30” H
Hardiness Zones 3-9
Light preference Full sun to part shade
Pollinators Supports butterflies and moths, but is wind pollinated
Winterizing instructions Allow foliage and seed stems to overwinter to provide habitat. If desired, remove debris in early spring.
Additional comments Native to western North America from California to Alaska. Found in mesic to moderately dry meadows and forest edges.

Erigeron speciosus / Aspen Daisy

light purple flower with yellow center, green stems

Common name Aspen Daisy
Scientific name Erigeron speciosus
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Flower color White, lavender, or blue florets surrounding a yellow center
Flower season Summer
Plant size 1-2’ H x 1-2’ W
Hardiness Zones 4-7
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators Butterflies and bees
Winterizing instructions Trim back upright stems, but prune or divide rosettes in spring as needed.
Additional comments Sometimes known as Fleabane. Prefers clay soil and moist meadows. Drought tolerant. Cold hardy.

Eriogonum jamesii / James’ Buckwheat

Yellow flower clusters on lime green stems

Common name James’ Buckwheat
Scientific name Eriogonum jamesii
Plant type Perennial
Flower color Bright yellow
Flower season Mid-Summer
Plant size 2-6” H x 0.5-2” W
Hardiness Zones 4-8
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators Native bees
Winterizing instructions Trim back upright stems in spring if needed.
Additional comments Native to Southwestern United States

Eriogonum strictum / Strict Buckwheat

whiteish-green leaves, small bushy plants

Common name Strict Buckwheat
Scientific name Eriogonum strictum
Plant type Perennial
Flower color White/cream to pinkish or yellow
Flower season Late Spring – Summer
Plant size Woody stems to 4”, flowering stems to 12”, 4-12” width
Hardiness Zone 5 (-15 degrees)
Light preference Sun
Pollinators Native bees, honeybees, butterflies, moths>
Winterizing instructions Leave leaves and stalks for winter habitat and insulation for pupating insects. In spring before bees begin activity, trim stems to a variety of 6-24” to provide nesting habitat for pollinators.  The tops can be left in a sheltered place for additional habitat.
Additional comments Native to all western US states and British Columbia.

Eriogonum umbellatum / Sulfur Buckwheat

bright yellow flower with green leaves.

Common name Sulfur Buckwheat
Scientific name Eriogonum umbellatum
Plant type Herbaceous perennial or subshrub
Flower color Clusters of bright yellow flowers on local subspecies. Some variants have red or orange coloration with yellow
Flower season May-June, until September at higher elevations
Plant size Typically forms low, broad mats with individual clumps ranging from 4 “to 2’ (but up to 4’) tall and wide
Hardiness Zones 4-8
Light preference Full sun to part shade
Pollinators Bees, butterflies and moths
Additional comments On both sides of the Cascade Range in Washington. Important host and food plant for many pollinators.

Gaillardia aristata / Blanketflower

bright yellow flower with reddish center

Common name Blanketflower
Scientific name Gaillardia aristata
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Flower color Large (2-3″) flowers with orange-brown center and yellow rays
Flower season May thru September
Plant size 1-2′ H x 1-2’ W
Hardiness Zones 3-9
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators Bees, butterflies and moths
Winterizing instructions Mulch in cold climates. Plant will die back and go dormant. Leave dead plant material for nesting.
Additional comments Occurs chiefly east of the Cascade Range in Washington.

Gaillardia pulchella / Indian Blanket Flower

Red-range flower with yellow buds on green stems

Common name Indian Blanket Flower
Scientific name Gaillardia pulchella
Plant type Herbaceous perennial – self seeding
Flower color Red-orange or yellow. Pinwheel, daisy like flowers
Flower season Summer
Plant size 1-2’ H x 0.5-1’ W
Hardiness Zones 2-11
Light preference Full sun with hot dry climate.
Pollinators Bees
Winterizing instructions Leave dead plant material for nesting.
Additional comments Deadhead to produce flowers to early fall. Cold hardy.

Iliamna rivularis / Streambank Globemallow or Mountain Hollyhock

Large light green leaves on a tall stem

Common name Streambank Globemallow, Wild Hollyhock, Mountain Hollyhock
Scientific name Iliamna rivularis
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Flower color pink, five petal flowers
Flower season June-Aug
Plant size 3-6′ H x 2-3’ W
Hardiness Zones 3-8
Light preference sun, part shade
Pollinators Butterflies, bees
Winterizing Instructions No special care needed. Plants will die back and go dormant.
Additional comments Occurs east of the Cascade Range in Washington. Early seral species that flowers profusely following wildfires. Seeds remain viable for a few hundred years. Needs a moist location

Koeleria macrantha / Prairie Junegrass

Common name Prairie Junegrass
Scientific name Koeleria macrantha
Plant type Herbaceous perennial bunchgrass
Flower color Flowers silvery green in spike-like
panicle 1-7” long. They turn tan by mid summer.
Flower season May to June
Plant size 0.5-2’ H
Hardiness Zones 3-9
Light preference Full sun to part shade
Pollinators Seeds are a source of food for birds, small mammals, grasshoppers and leafhoppers.
Winterizing instructions Allow foliage and seed stems to overwinter to provide habitat. If desired, remove debris in early spring.
Additional comments Widespread throughout North
America from Alaska to Mexico with exceptions being the southeast and
New England states. Commonly found in open areas on sandy or rocky soils. Drought tolerant.

Lewisiopsis tweedyi / Tweedy’s bitterroot

Pinkish-yellow flowers with wide green leaves

Common name Tweedy’s Lewisia, bitterroot, Tweedy’s pussypaws
Scientific name Lewisiopsis tweedyi
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Flower color Apricot-pink, variable
Flower season May-July
Plant size 8-12”H x 6 -12”W
Hardiness Zones 5-8
Light preference Part shade
Pollinators Bees, Syrphid (hover) flies
Winterizing instructions Protect from wet winter conditions. Needs well drained soil.
Additional comments Occurs east of the Cascade Range in Washington in Kittitas, Chelan, and Okanogan counties. Endemic to the local Wenatchee Mountains.


Lomatium Barestem Biscuitroot

Skinny stem plant with long thin leaves and yellow flower.

Common name Barestem Biscuitroot
Scientific name Lomatium nudicaule
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Flower color Pale yellow
Flower season April-June
Plant size 7”-36” tall
Hardiness Zones 6-8
Light preference Full sun although somewhat shade tolerant
Pollinators Native bees, syrphid flies and butterflies
Winterizing instructions Plant dies back with new growth emerging in the spring. Leave dead plant material for mulch and nesting.
Additional comments Apiaceae (carrot) family, this was a Native food and medicinal source. It has a celery aroma and produces sunflower-like seeds. Waxy blue-green dissected leaves up to 1” wide and 3.5” long.

Lupinus polyphyllus / Big Leaf Lupine

tall purple flower with big green leaves

Common name Big Leaf Lupine
Scientific name Lupinus polyphyllus
Plant type Perennial forb
Flower color White pink to purplish blue
Flower season Late spring through summer
Plant size 3-5’ H x 1.5-3’ W
Hardiness Zone 3b
Light preference Full sun to partial shade
Pollinators Native bees, bumble bees, hummingbirds
Winterizing instructions Mulch. Cut back dead foliage in spring. Leave dead plant material for nesting.
Additional comments Also known as garden, meadow, or bog lupine.


Mahonia aquifolium / Tall Oregon Grape

A plant with yellow flowers and dark leaves.

Common name Tall Oregon Grape
Scientific name Mahonia aquifolium
Plant type Evergreen woody shrub
Flower color Yellow on stalks (bracteate racemes)
Flower season March to May
Plant size 4’ to 6’; up to 8’H x 5’ W
Hardiness Zones 5 -9
Light preference Full sun to partial shade
Pollinators Bees, moths, butterflies and hummingbirds
Winterizing instructions Blue berries remain through the winter, providing food for birds and some mammals.
Additional comments Native to western North America from British Columbia to California, occurring on both sides of the Cascades. Oregon State flower.

Penstemon confertus / Yellow Penstemon

Tall green plant with light yellow flowers along a stem.

Common name Yellow Penstemon
Scientific name confertus
Plant type Perennial
Flower color Yellow, upright stems
Flower season Mid-summer
Plant size 1-2’ H x 1-2’W
Hardiness Zones 4-9
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds
Winterizing instructions Prune old stems in spring as needed. Leave dead plant material for nesting.
Additional comments Native to Northwest and western Canada

Penstemon fruticosus / Shrubby Penstemon

Purple pink flower on green leafy stem.

Common name Shrubby Penstemon
Scientific name Penstemon fruticosus
Plant type Semi-evergreen perennial
Flower color Lavender or blue-purple
Flower season May-August
Plant size 12” high by 36” wide
Hardiness Zones -9
Light preference Sun and partial shade
Pollinators Bees, wasps and hummingbirds
Winterizing instructions Leave stems and flowers on for the winter, prune back in the spring
Additional comments Well-suited plant native to region east of the Cascade crest. Low and compact form and drought tolerant.

Penstemon palmeri / Palmer’s Penstemon

Pink tube like flowers on tall stalky stems.

Common name Palmer’s Penstemon
Scientific name Penstemon palmeri
Plant type Perennial
Flower color Light Pink-Light Purple
Flower season Late Spring-Summer
Plant size 4-6’ H x 2’ W
Hardiness Zones 4-9
Light preference Full Sun
Pollinators Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds
Winterizing instructions Leave stems and flowers on for the winter, prune back in the spring.

Purplish tube lower on long stems.

Common name Richardson’s Showy Penstemon, Cutleaf Penstemon
Scientific name Penstemon richardsonii
Plant type Perennial forb
Flower color Pink, pinkish red, bluish
Flower season Summer – June to August
Plant size 1-3’ H x 0.5-2’ W
Hardiness Zone 5A
Light preference Sun
Pollinators Butterflies, bees, hummingbirds. Caterpillar food source.
Winterizing instructions Leave stems and flowers on for the winter, prune back in the spring.<
Additional comments This penstemon blooms later than many others

Phacelia hastata / Silverleaf Scorpionweed

Soft whitish green leaved plant.

Common name Silverleaf Scorpionweed
Scientific name Phacelia hastata
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Flower season May-July
Plant size 12”-24” high
Hardiness Zones 3 -10>
Light preference Full to part sun
Pollinators Awide range of bees, butterflies and wasps
Winterizing instructions Leave fallen leaves for mulch and nesting sites
Additional comments Can grow at elevations up to 13,000. Prefers rocky to sandy soil. Spreads by seed dispersal. Numerous hairs on the plant contain an oil that may cause irritation and rashes.

Shrub with green leaves and white flowers

Common name Mock Orange
Scientific name Philadelphus lewisii/
Plant type Shrub
Flower color White
Flower season Late Spring – Early Summer
Plant size 6′-7′ H x 4′-5′ W
Hardiness Zones 3-9
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators Bees, butterflies, hummingbirds
Winterizing instructions None needed, prune after blooming
Additional comments Very fragrant, pollinator attractor

Pinus ponderosa / Ponderosa Pine

Tall pine tree.

Common name Ponderosa Pine
Scientific name Pinus ponderosa
Plant type Tree
Flower color Cones; female cones reddish purple at branch tips.
Flower season May to June
Plant size Up to 230’H x 25 – 30’W
Hardiness Zones 4 to 8
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators Most likely wind
Winterizing instructions Remove dead, diseased and dying branches. Remove branches that will touch the ground with snowfall if in a snowy area. Protect young trees.
Additional comments Dry to moist soils; can tolerate drought and wind; fire tolerant; cannot tolerate maritime exposure.

Ribes aureum / Golden Currant

Wide green leaves on a branch.

Common name Golden Currant
Scientific name Ribes aureum
Plant type Deciduous shrub
Flower color Yellow
Flower season Spring
Plant size 3-8’ H x 2-6’ W
Hardiness Zones 4-8
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators Hummingbirds, butterflies, bees
Winterizing instructions Add mulch, compost or composted manure before snowfall in cold areas. Prune dead limbs and low-lying shoots. Prune to shape after blooming.
Additional comments Sweet, tart berries are great for jams. Cold hardy plant. Native to Canada & US

Ribes cereum / Wax Currant

Small shrub with green leaves and white tube flowers.

Common name Wax Currant
Scientific name Ribes cereum
Plant type Deciduous shrub
Flower color Light pink to white
Flower season Spring-Summer
Plant size 3-6’ H x 3-6’ W
Hardiness Zones 4-8
Light preference Full Sun
Pollinators Bees
Winterizing instructions Add mulch, compost or composted manure before snowfall in cold areas. Prune dead limbs and low-lying shoots. Prune to shape after blooming.
Additional comments Unpalatable bright red berries.

Rosa nutkana/ Nootka Rose

Light green long skinny leaves.

Common name
Scientific name Rosa nutkana
Plant type Long lived deciduous shrub
Flower color Light to dark pink
Flower season Spring/Summer (May to July)
Plant size 1-9’ H x 1-9’ W, forming thickets
Hardiness Zones 5 (-20 degrees)
Light preference Sun to partial sun
Pollinators Bees
Winterizing instructions Prune before plant breaks dormancy. Cutting stems at various angles several inches from nodes to create nesting sites for small pollinators.
Additional comments Open faced flowers are more attractive to bees than double flowers

Salix scouleriana / Scouler’s Willow

A branch of waxy bright green leaves.

Common name Scouler’sWillow
Scientific name Salix scouleriana
Plant type Tree
Flower color Tiny white and yellow on “pussy willow”
Flower season March to June
Plant size 6 to 35’ H x indeterminate W ; can be multi-stemmed and be shrub-like, often sprout from basal root crown
Hardiness Zones 6 to 9
Light preference Prefers open areas; full sunlightSCXW69045347 BCX0″> but easily adapted.
Pollinators Insects, esp bees. Blooms SCXW10086997 BCX0″>early, so important for emerging bees .
Winterizing instructions Remove dead, diseased and dying branches. Remove branches that will touch the ground with snowfall if in a snowy area. Protect young trees.
Additional comments Can be riparian or upland, although most likely upland. Prune based on desired shape/aspect. If shrub, leave as is. If tree, trim/prune shoots , perhaps continuously.

Salvia pachyphylla / Giant Purple Sage

Pink and purple flowers growing from silvery green leaves.

Common name Giant Purple Sage
Scientific name Salvia pachyphylla
Plant type Herbaceous perineal
Flower color Purple
Flower season Summer
Plant size 3′ H x 2-3’ W
Hardiness Zone 5-9
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators Butterflies, hummingbirds
Winterizing instructions Prune back and shape in the fall after the flowers are finished.
Additional comments Fragrant leaves; native to California

Spiraea splendens / Rosy Spiraea

Bright pink flower cluster with pointy green leaves.

Common name Rosy Spiraea
Scientific name Spiraea splendens
Plant type Perennial deciduous shrub
Flower color Pink to purple
Flower season June-September
Plant size 8”-36” tall
Hardiness To Zone 3
Light preference Full sun to light shade
Pollinators Native bees; butterflies
Winterizing instructions This is a subalpine shrub with no special winterizing needs. Spent flowers remain present through the winter. See Additional Comments regarding pruning.
Additional comments Native range for spirea splendens is from southern British Columbia to California. It is a hardy perennial that grows well in most conditions on the perimeter of moist meadows, along waterways, and on wooded or open rocky hillsides. Can exhibit aggressive growth pattern, spreading by seed and rhizomes. A member of the rose (Rosaceae) family it produces showy pink to purple shaded flowers that are usually wider than high. Somewhat deer resistant. Pruning for plants in the home garden is recommended in Spring as it is most likely to stimulate good growth. Pruning can be done in late-Autumn after flowers die back and leaves fall. However, consider leaving materials left on the plant and in the garden to provide overwinter refuge for beneficial insects.

Symphyotrichum foliaceum / Leafybract Aster

Light purple flower with yellow center in a garden.

Common name Leafybract Aster
Scientific name foliaceum
Plant type Herbaceous perennial
Flower color Rays are blue-lavender, compound disks are yellow
Flower season July-September
Plant size 8”-24” high
Hardiness To Zone 4
Light preference Full sun
Pollinators Bees, butterflies, moths, flies, beetles
Winterizing instructions Allow to stand through winter to improve hardiness. Mulch and water before ground freezes. Cut spent blooms in the spring and use debris as nesting material or mulch
Additional comments Attracts a variety of butterflies and is especially important to late-season pollinators, such as monarch butterflies.