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Washington State University

WSU Snohomish County Extension office has moved!

Our office is now located in the Snohomish County Parks & Recreation Administration Office at Willis Tucker Park, 6705 Puget Park Drive, Snohomish, 98296.

Creative Arts Achievement Pin

Program Contact: Snohomish County 4-H Office
(425) 357-6044 •

Washington State University Cooperative Extension

Snohomish County 4-H Program

Specific Program Achievement Pin Guidelines
(Please see basic Guidelines and Achievement Pin judging sheet for other examples of criteria.)

Creative Arts Program

This project typically requires 2-4 years to achieve the depth of experience and knowledge required to earn a pin.

Section I Projects and Activities

A. Size and Scope – Main Project

Overall project involvement including participation at the fair which must include the judging contests & live exhibit. In addition, attendance at  workshops, outside exposure such as visits to galleries, studios, art fair, etc. is recommended.

B. Size and Scope – Other Projects

Participation in any 4H project which develops well-rounded interests and skills in the 4H member. Record book should reflect active participation in these other projects.

C. Learning Experiences – Main Project

Maintain an up to date record book, which shows growth in the variety and depth of the learning experience undertaken each year in this project. Experience in a variety of mediums and art techniques.

D. Learning experiences – Other Project

Member’s record book shows participation in another 4-H project.

E. Knowledge and Skills – Main Project

Member must show consistent participation and skill in contests such as information posters and judging contests.
Participation should be appropriate for age/maturity level.

Section II – Experiences in Leadership

A. Volunteer Leadership-Creative Arts Project

Club level leadership – Assists newer members, demonstrates techniques, leads discussions, and organizes Creative Arts activities.
County level leadership – Assists at county level workshops and at fair. Attend county level Creative Arts Program meetings. Can include non-4-H leadership in school, church or other organizations.

B. Elected/Appointed Leadership

Held office or chaired committees, committee participation. Position duties should have been fully executed.

C. 4-H Promotional Leadership

Encourage new members to join 4-H and help them get acquainted with other members. Help them to understand the 4-H
program, talk about 4-H to non 4-H groups, make posters, organize/participate in membership recruitment, rallies, parades,

Section III – Experiences in 4-H Citizenship

A. Citizenship

Helpfulness, cooperation, good attitude. Increase public awareness or participate in functions, which promote public
awareness of the responsibilities of the specific project or projects in which member is involved. Participate in fund
raising for project related causes. Enrollment in Citizenship projects and completion of activities is recommended.

B. Community Service

Show participation in community service projects such as roadside clean-ups, nursing home visits, food bank drives, fund
raisers, etc.

C. Non 4-H Experiences

Service activities involved as a result of school or community functions not related to 4H participation.

Achievement Pin Applications must be submitted to the Extension Office for county judging with an up to date 4H Record Book. Judging will be done by County Program Leader and one other member of the County Program Board.