Some WSU Extension web sites provide links to external sites for the convenience of users. These external sites are not managed by the WSU Extension. Furthermore, WSU Extension does not review, control or take responsibility for the content of these sites, nor do these sites implicitly or explicitly represent official positions and policies of WSU Extension.
Beekeeping Resources
- Apprentice Master Beekeeper Additional Reading (website)
- Beekeeping resources (pdf) – WSU Extension, King Co. Agriculture and Natural Resources Fact Sheet 524 (PDF) (note that most of the association presidents have changed since this was written and the WSU King Co. Extension office has moved. Many of the organizations now have web sites of their own.)
- Beekeepers, Honey Bees, Beehives, & Honey (website)
- IBRA (website) – The International Bee Research Association
- Mid-Atlantic Apiculture and Extension Consortium (website)
- Carl Hayden Bee Research Center (website)
- Bee Research Laboratory Home Page (website)
- Beekeeping: The Beekeeper’s Homepages (website) – includes the largest collection of beekeeping links we’ve seen!
- American Beekeeping Federation (website)
- 4-H Beekeeping Manual (pdf) – Purdue University
- WSU Apis Molecular Systematics Lab (website) – Test your bees for disease and parasites
Other Bees
(Pollen bees, bumble bees, etc.)
- Pollinator Conservation Resources – Pacific Northwest Region (website)– Xerxes Society
- Bumblebee Links (website)
- Native Bees (website) – Mason bees and others
- Pollination in Home Gardens (website)
Beekeeper Associations
- WASBA list of beekeepers’ associations (website) in the State.
- Washington State Beekeepers Association (website)
- Northwest District Beekeepers Assoc. (website)
- Snoqualmie Valley Beekeepers (website)
- Stanwood-Camano Beekeeper’s Assoc. (website)
- Skagit Valley Beekeeper’s Assoc. (website)
- West Sound Beekeepers Association (website)
- Mt. Baker Beekeepers Association (website)
- Whidbey Island Beekeepers (website)
- Oregon State Beekeepers’ Association (website)
- Puget Sound Beekeepers’ Association (website)
- Pierce County Beekeepers’ Association (website)
- Inland Northwest Beekeeping Association, Spokane (website)
- SnoKing Beekeepers Association (website)