‘Buying local’ seems to be on everyone’s list of resolutions. The popularity of keeping dollars in local circulation is gaining momentum. For farmers, capturing a larger share of this trend is crucial to growth and longevity. New farmers must look at their farm like any new business venture, while existing operations must carefully evaluate how any changes can affect land, labor, capital, resources, and profitability.
One of two foundation courses in the Cultivating Success program, Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Farm Business Planning helps new and current farmers gain skills in business planning and direct marketing.
This in-depth business planning course covers evaluating resources, planning and research, legal and management issues, marketing strategies, budgets and financial statements along with how to cultivate capital resources.
During the course, participants will develop a business plan they can literally take to the bank to finance a new enterprise or expand an existing farm-based business. In addition, the course will have a special emphasis on the financial and legal issues unique to farm-based businesses.
The course features a full line-up of local guest speakers including bankers, business professionals, and successful farm owners with a special emphasis on the financial and legal issues unique to farm-based businesses.
Comments from recent graduates include, “The unique opportunity to hear from fellow successful farmers and business mentors is one of a kind.” “By the end of the course I had a farm business plan that I could take to the bank.” and “The opportunity to evaluate my enterprise and make informed decisions is invaluable, after all the best place to make mistakes is on paper.”
Offered statewide, the course will be conducted online using the Zoom platform with in-person field trips available in some regions of WA state. In addition, the course will be offered with Spanish language interpretation and facilitation. New sessions start each January.
For more information
For more information on the course and registration, visit CultivatingSuccessWA.org/agricultural-entrepreneurship or contact Kate Smith (360) 395-2363, kate.smith@wsu.edu.
Other courses in the Cultivating Success series
Extension programs and employment are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local extension office or to the WSU Center for Human Rights. Persons with a disability requiring special accommodation can request accommodation 21 days before training at (425) 338-2400. If accommodation is not requested in advance, we cannot guarantee availability on-site.
Who should take the course?
Current and future small- to mid-scale farmers and ranchers and those considering farming as a career and/or lifestyle.
Read how West Valley Beef ranchers Chuck and Bobbi Lindemulder came to be supporters of Cultivating Success.