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Washington State University

WSU Snohomish County Extension office has moved!

Our office is now located in the Snohomish County Parks & Recreation Administration Office at Willis Tucker Park, 6705 Puget Park Drive, Snohomish, 98296.

Sustainability Stewards – Speakers Series

Program Contact: Kellee Byard, Sustainable Communities Program Coordinator
(425) 357-6027 •

WSU Extension Sustainability Speaker Series

Sustainability Speaker Series 2023

You have questions. We have many answers and options! Join us for our WSU Sustainability Speaker Series where our ecological specialists will cover the most effective and efficient ways to contribute to your health, the well-being of your community, and our world.  Check out our 2023 dates:

Wednesday, June 14th 12PM – 1PM

Our upcoming Sustainability Speaker is Carrie Brausieck, the Agroforestry Program Manager for the Snohomish Conservation District. Come learn about agroforestry during your lunch break!
To register for the Zoom meeting go here:

This program is offered in partnership with our Waste Wise Program colleagues at WSU Extension, Island County.

View the Sustainability Speaker Series archive.

Access past interactive sessions to learn more about electric vehicles, new types of appliances the most up-to-date recycling methods and many more vital topics.  Sessions and links below:


  • Climate Change and Our Ecological Footprint| El Cambio Climático Y Nuestra Huella Ecologica
    • El cambio climático es un problema internacional que afecta a todas las comunidades de diferentes maneras. A través de la presentación de la Dra. Isabel Carrera Zamanillo, aprenderá la mecánica de los ciclos biológicos, cómo los humanos han contribuido al cambio climático y, a su vez, qué efectos tendrá el cambio climático en nosotros. El Dr. Zamanillo se centrará en los impactos del cambio climático en el estado de Washington y cómo nuestro consumo contribuye a los efectos ambientales negativos.
    • Climate change is an international issue that affects all communities in different ways. Through Dr. Isabel Carrera Zamanillo’s presentation you will learn the mechanics of biological cycles, how humans have contributed to climate change, and in turn what effects climate change will have on us. Dr. Zamanillo will focus in on the impacts of climate change on Washington State and how our consumption is contributing to negative environmental effects.
  • Electrify Your Ride
    • The future of vehicles is electric. Whether you already own an EV, are considering one, or have hesitations, learn about the options! What is the cost comparison long-term? What about horsepower? And what about those batteries? Featuring Jim Jensen, WSU Energy Program; and Bill Trueit, Snohomish County Electric Vehicle Association.
  • Home Energy Efficiency
    • We’ve been there: an appliance breaks and you’re forced to make a lot of decisions very quickly. Join us to learn about appliance efficiency and clean energy sources before you’re in a rush! Featuring Brian Stewart, cofounder of Electrify Now.
  • Demystifying Recycling
    • Recycling can be confusing. Between policy changes the past several years to rules varying from place to place, it can be hard to understand. Join us and discover some of the driving forces for these rules. Whether you are new to the area or just want a refresher, this is a great opportunity to get a new perspective on recycling. Featuring Natalie Caulkins, recycling coordinator for Republic Services.

Other Past Sustainability Series Recordings include:

Check out all of the past Sustainability Speaker Series Recordings [LINK]!