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Washington State University

WSU Snohomish County Extension office has moved!

Our office is now located in the Snohomish County Parks & Recreation Administration Office at Willis Tucker Park, 6705 Puget Park Drive, Snohomish, 98296.

Snohomish County Dairy Women’s Scholarship

Program Contact: Snohomish County 4-H Office
(425) 357-6044 •

Applicant may attend a college, university, technical, or vocational school.

A scholarship in the amount of two thousand dollars ($2000) may be awarded to a person that meets the specified qualifications. Applicant must be living or associated with Snohomish County through their family who is actively engaged in the dairy cattle industry or is themselves involved in a dairy cattle program (FFA, 4-H etc.), works on a dairy cattle farm, or any directly dairy related occupation. Applicants should be at least a senior in high school or up to twenty-five (25) years old. Intended field of study of those applying does not need to be agriculture related. Applicant may apply more than once but can only receive a scholarship one time. The scholarship money will go directly
to the college, university, technical or vocational school of their choice and must be used within one year of being awarded. (Number of scholarships awarded will be based on funds available.)

To be considered for the Scholarship, an application should be sent to:
Snohomish County Dairy Women
Attention: Scholarship Committee/Jane Warner
9725 Lowell-Larimer RD
Everett, WA 98208
Questions contact

The Scholarship Notebook should contain:
1. Completed application
2. Letter of recommendation from an adult that has supervised your work at some point. This can’t be a parent and needs to be sent directly to Jane at the address listed above.
3. High school or most current transcript as appropriate
4. Short essay (300-500 words) Edit your essay for grammar and consistency.
Remember judges may not know you at all and you need to paint a clear picture of yourself. In your essay please include:

• Applicant’s future plans and influences of dairy life on applicant’s career
• How would you continue to support the dairy industry over your lifetime
• How much will this scholarship help you further your educational goals


Scholarship application must be postmarked or emailed by May 1st.

Snohomish County Dairy Women Scholarship Application

1. Name in full____________________________________________Phone______________
2. Email address___________________________________ Age ____ DOB______________
3. Address ___________________________________________________________________
City _______________________________________________ Zip ___________________
4. Name of High School or current school _______________________________________
5. Parent or guardians name(s) _________________________________________________
6. Please explain your connection to the dairy industry and for how long?
7. What school do you plan to attend? __________________________________________
8. Which professional, technical, or vocational field do you plan to enter? _____________________________________________________________________________________
9. Describe any employment you have had while attending school?
10. List your non-academic (extra–curricular) activities. Example: Volunteer activities, Secretary, Student Council; second trumpet, high school band; Senior patrol leader, Boy Scouts; reserve team, basketball; editor, school annual; 4-H activities, FFA Activities, etc. These may be listed on a separate sheet.
11. List any special awards earned. (May be listed on a separate sheet).
12. Short essay (300-500 words) Edit your essay for grammar and consistency.
Remember judges may not know you at all and you need to paint a clear picture of yourself. In your essay please include: Applicant’s future plans and influences of dairy life on applicant’s career choicer, How would you continue support the dairy industry over your lifetime, How much will this scholarship help you further your educational goals?