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Washington State University Extension


Welcome to the Dog project page! Here you’ll find activities, curriculum, and resources specific to the Dog projects.

Dog projects are available for 4-Hers of all ages.

Projects Available:

  • Agility (must have been previously enrolled and participated in Obedience before enrolling in Agility)
  • Care and Training
  • Service Dog
  • Obedience

Interested in participating in a 4-H Dog Project? Contact your local WSU Extension office for information on clubs with 4-H Dog Projects near you! 

Curriculum & Resources

WSU Curriculum & Resources

Explore the World of Small Animals
Another good curriculum publication with age appropriate activities. It is good for dogs, cats, rabbits, cavy, and other small animals.

Link: Explore the World of Small Animals

Other Resources






National 4-H Curriculum & Resources


National 4-H Curriculum: Wiggles and Wags

Canine Good Citizen Program
The Canine Good Citizen® program is a ten-step test that certifies dogs who have good manners at home and in their community. Over 600,000 dogs across the United States have become Canine Good Citizens, and forty-two states have passed resolutions recognizing the program’s merit and importance. It is administered through the American Kennel Club.

Link: Canine Good Citizen Program
Link: Canine Good Citizen Test Book

Dog Care and Training
This project is for youth who are interested in learning more about dogs, how to care for a dog and how to train a dog in basic or advanced commands. Any kind of dog may be used in this unique project that is not designed to conform to the American Kennel Club or other professional standards.



Other Resources

Barker Institute CPR Infographic

Agility, Obedience, and other Contest Resources



Score Sheets

Quiz Bowl

Washington State Dog Skill-a-thon Guide


Judging Resources

Fitting and Showing Resources




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