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Washington State University Extension

Rhonda Raymond

WSU Clallam County Extension Office Administrator

Rhonda started working as the Administrator for Clallam County Extension in 2017. Her role is foundational and diverse. Rhonda serves as a filter of inquiries for busy program leaders, an orienter of tools and resources lent out from the office, she opens the mail, answers the phone and enthusiastically cuts out every article from the newspaper to keep the history of Extension’s work recognized and preserved. It is a pleasure to look through the history she is thoughtfully tracking.

She tells me, “Women are built to multitask, we make it look easy.” She also handles the finances of the office. All this at a half-time position.

Previous to WSU, Rhonda worked 25 years at the Women’s Clinic in Port Angeles. She was ready for a change, was burnt out and wisely took time off to travel before seeking a new workplace.

Being born and raised in the agriculture area of the Yakima Valley, the job posting to work for extension appealed to her. Rhonda has a great love for growing food and a deep appreciation for all the community-based programs that WSU umbrellas. She leaned a bit on faith when applying, “I trusted that if it was right, it would be so”

I asked what made her well-suited for the position and she said, “I am a very independent learner, everyone is so busy here, and often out in the field. Here everyone has to be very independent.” She added that she values supporting our community which is full of amazing people, she values all the coordinators, who are down to earth people that care about our comunity and it shows in so many ways.”

Aside from all the nitty gritty office work, this year Rhonda grew over 400 plant starts, half were donated to the Food Banks, and half for the Master Gardener Plant sale. This year, 2021, was her 1st year to grow for the Master Gardeners plant sale.

With great consideration Rhonda starts tomatoes, various peppers including jalapeños, cilantro, onions and tomatillos. This is in addition to all the plant starts that the Gleaning Coordinator Sharah is growing and donating. She tells me the demand keeps increasing. She tailors her starts for the people who will recieve them, they have shared with her what varieties they enjoy. It has been valuable for her to grow specifically what is wanted and culturally beloved for the people who receive the plants.

Thank you Rhonda for all you are doing

If you have any questions for Rhonda you can contact her at