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Washington State University


Information relevant to beef production on manure, animal health, and financial resources.


Beef Production for Small Farmers (pdf)
This publication covers three general types of small-scale cattle enterprises: 1) breeding herds, 2) growing and feeding operations, and 3) combinations of growing, feeding, and breeding herds. Oregon State University, January 2000

Guide to Raising Healthy Beef Cattle (pdf)
If you are thinking about raising beef cattle on a small scale, this publication will help you consider key aspects of the operation. University of Wisconsin Extension, 2009

On-farm Composting of Large Animal Mortalities (pdf)
This bulletin provides the necessary information for large animal producers in Washington State to start and maintain a safe and effective on-farm mortality composting system. Washington State University, May 2008

Livestock Management and Water Quality (pdf)
This publication provides livestock owners and managers with techniques to address water quality problems. The information presented emphasizes the effects of pathogens and sediment, the pollutants most commonly associated with livestock. Washington State University, May 2008

Beef Cow-Calf management Guide (pdf)
Includes guidelines for health, nutrition, and reproductive management, with specific recommendations organized into a four-part yearly production cycle: lactation, breeding, and pregnancy; midgestation and weaning; precalving; and calving. Oregon State University, April 2004



Cattle Vaccines: Recommendations and Available Products (pdf)
This publication is designed as a quick reference guide to commercial cattle vaccines. It is intended as a guide only, and should not be used as a substitute for the instructions and guidelines on the manufacturer’s label and package insert. University of Wisconsin Extension, 2004

Survey to Assess Parasite and Fly Control Methods Utilized by Washington Beef Cattle Producers(pdf)
This document presents a brief overview of the state’s beef cattle industry, describes the major internal and external parasites/pests, and reports on the results of our survey. Washington State University, October 2006

Animal Welfare: Understanding and Addressing Issues Related to the Well-being of Livestock (pdf)
This publication provides an overview of the implications of animal welfare issues for livestock producers and how to minimize or avoid practices that compromise animal welfare. Oregon State University, March 2003

Scours in Beef Calves: Causes and Treatments (pdf)
Scours is the common name for diarrhea in calves, which is characterized by watery feces and increased frequency of bowel movements. This publication describes the signs, problem, and how to prevent. Oregon State University, April 2009



Alternative Forage & Fodder Crops
This website describes the historical use of forage and fodder crops for animal feed and its modern day significance, based on high feed costs. It also provides information and result on research conducted by the WSU Whatcom County Extension office.

Feed management: A tool for balancing nutrients on dairies and other livestock operations (pdf)
This publication suggests ways to improve feed management and avoid overfeeding phosphorus and potassium. Proper ration balancing is good for the environment and the producer’s bottom line. Oregon State University, July 2006

Livestock Water Management during a Drought (pdf)
This publication provides suggestions on how to make the best use of water that is available in order to avoid damaging both animals and range resources. Oregon State University, January 2008

Haymaking on the Westside (pdf)
Reality indicates good quality hay can be produced on the west side of Washington State with proper knowledge, skills, equipment, storage, and perhaps a bit of luck. Aside from luck, this publication provides insights on the other issues of western Washington hay production. Washington State University, April 2001

Pastures: Sustainable Management (pdf)
This publication addresses numerous aspects of sustainable pasture integration, grazing rotation strategies, and management options. It covers grazing systems, pasture fertility, changes in the plant community through grazing, weed control, and pasture maintenance. NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Project, 2006

Pasture and Hayland Renovation for Western Washington and Oregon (pdf)
This publication is designed to help you achieve successful forage seeding whether you’re a beginning or experienced forage producer. Washington State University, 2002

Pasture and Grazing Management in the Northwest (pdf)
The comprehensive resource is for anyone who manages livestock on pastures in the Northwest; this 208-page book offers pasture managers information and tools to enable their pastures and their livestock to reach their maximum production potentials. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication, May 2010



Livestock Marketing Information Center (LMIC)
This organization continuously updates forecasts, projections and support material related to market situation and outlook as a cooperative effort between extension specialists, and USDA economists, and industry cooperators.

How to Direct Market Your Beef (pdf)
This publication portrays how one couple used its family’s ranch to launch a profitable, grass-based beef operation focused on direct market sales. Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education, 2005


Additional Resources

Washington State University, Veterinary Medicine Extension
Washington State University Veterinary Medicine Extension helps build connections between industry, producers, veterinarians, and students throughout the state of Washington.

Washington State University Extension: Central Washington Animal Agriculture Team
This website provides research-based information to Washington livestock producers and natural resource managers to improve their economic status and quality of life while they create a quality product in a sustainable manner.

eXtension: Resources for and about the Beef Industry
The Beef Cattle Clearinghouse Community of Practice (CoP) is a national website whose target audiences are producers, extension educators, and clientele with beef cattle interest. The goal of the CoP is to provide on-demand access to unbiased, research-based information via the Internet.

Healthy Animals, an online compilation of animal health-related research news
Published each quarter by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS). ARS is the chief scientific agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.