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Washington State University

Gutter Guardians – Citizen-Scientist: Skill Level Three

Gutter Guardians

Natural Resources Stewardship Logo

Citizen-Scientist – Skill Level: Three

Inventory of hazardous chemicals
Inventory of Hazardous Chemicals

Title: What’s In Your Watershed?

Non-Point Pollution in Runoff
The Clean Water Act, which was made law in 1972, regulated pollution coming from point sources such as factories and, as a result, our waters are much cleaner and healthier.  Today, one of the biggest threats to our streams, lakes, and bays is the non-point source pollution washing off of the land.

The list of things that rain can wash into our waters is quite long. Many garden products end up in our waters.  Other sources of non-point pollution might surprise you such as:

– Feces from dogs, livestock, and high concentrations of wild animals
– Motor oil from parked cars
– Copper from car brake pads
– Car and truck exhaust
– Non-natural soil erosion


Activity 1: Chemical Investigations

Objective: Research environmental hazards associated with common home, yard and garden products and research ways to reduce these hazards.
Science Skills:  Research a Problem, Evaluate, Invent Solutions, Problem Solve.
Life Skills:  Keeping Records, Problem Solving, Responsible Citizenship

  1. Gather yard and garden products from around your home.  Open the labels on the back and look for information on “Environmental Hazards.”  Also look at the application instructions and note which products advise you to avoid applying near surface waters, or storm drains, or to keep the product off of sidewalks and driveways.   For help understanding how to read pesticide labels:
  2. Record the names and intended use of products with environmental hazard statements as well as those which caution the user to keep away from surface water, storm drains, and hardened surfaces.
  3. Research alternative methods or products to solve those problems the products on your list were intended to address.
  4. Work with community partners to create a public awareness campaign about chemicals in your watershed.


Activity 2:  Water Quality and Pollution Sampling

Objective:  Collect and analyze water samples and become familiar with chemical composition of storm-water runoff.
Science Skills:  Collect Data, Measure, Observe, Use Tools
Life Skills:  Community Service and Volunteering, Contributions to Group Effort, Service Learning, Marketable Skills, Teamwork, Keeping Records

Preparation Activities: Choose one of the Water Quality testing organizations listed in “It’s All Connected” to volunteer. Training and/or kits available through WSU Extension.

Water sampling kit

Re-Sources Storm-water and Water Quality Internships
RE Sources for Sustainable Communities offers volunteer and internship positions for people interested in monitoring storm-water and water quality.