Evaluate a Forest
Objective: Map and design a management plan for a small forest transect
Science Skills: Evaluate, Infer, Communicate, Problem Solve, Design and Implement Solutions
Life Skills: Wise Use of Resources, Communication
Preparation Activities:
Examine and discuss the map “Washington State Small Forest Land Owners.” Ask questions about size and density of privately owned small forests in your county. What happens when a forest is harvested? How often is a family owned forest harvested?
Call ahead to see if you can schedule a field day to one of the forestry sites in “It’s All Connected.” Identify a local independent forester willing to let the youth study their forest and answer questions.
What You Will Need: GPS, pencil, ruler, string, washer, protractor, measuring tape, calculator, colored plastic ribbon, Forest Stewardship Plan
Activity: Complete a Forest Stewardship Inventory or a small transect of a local forest. Talk about your findings with the forest owner/manager.
- Print off a copy of the Forest Stewardship Plan
- Find a small forest you can study
- Identify the parameters of your ploy/transect and mark them off or record the coordinates with a GPS
- Complete the inventory identifying as much as you can
- Report your findings to the forest manager
Asking the Right Questions: How do all the elements of an ecosystem contribute in constructing a forest plan?
Finished this Activity?
Explore More
Map of Washington State Small Forest Land Owners (pdf)
4-H Forest Stewardship Plan (pdf)
Backyard Forestry in Western Washington (pdf)
US Forest Service: Citizen Scientists
Washington DNR Forest Practices
Pacific Northwest Research Station
Washington Farm Forestry Association
Arbor Day Foundation: Back Yard Woods
Interested in helping youth learn about this Natural Resource? Contact your 4-H Educator to be considered as an educational resource!