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Washington State University

Electrical Entrepreneurs – Citizen-Scientist: Skill Level Three

Electrical Entrepreneurs

Natural Resources Stewardship Logo

CITIZEN-SCIENTIST – Skill Level: Three

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Hydro-electric Power & Water Conservation


Activity #1:

Objective: Evaluate the pros and cons of hydro-electric power, promote water conservation
Science Skills: Question, Research a Problem, Evaluate, Compare/Contrast
Life Skills: Communication, Wise Use of Resources, Responsible Citizenship

Preparation Activities: none

Materials Required: internet, library

Hydro-electric dams, while promoted as a “clean” energy source (when compared to fossil fuels) do not come without their own set of issues. Have teens search for information related to impacts of utilizing hydro-electric dams. Then research the impacts of utilizing other energy sources, particularly those that are based in non-renewable fossil fuels. They can also compare various strategies for mitigating the impacts of dams.


Activity #2:

Objective: promote water conservation
Science Skills: Research a Problem, Evaluate, Compare/Contrast
Life Skills: Wise Use of Resources, Responsible Citizenship

Preparation Activities: none

Materials Required: internet, library

The need to create electricity is basically driven by consumer demand. Were there not so great a demand to use electricity, would there be less need to produce it? What can we do to decrease our consumption of electrical energy, and will this help decrease the impact on our natural resources?

Ask the Right Questions: Give teens plenty of time to discuss the issues and encourage them to devise ways to take action based on their decisions.