This section covers regulations for egg and meat production, pastured poultry, poultry processing, avian health, and WSU Veterinary Medicine Extension.
Poultry your Way (pdf)
Poultry Your Way is for anyone interested in commercially raising, processing, and marketing poultry. Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education, 2005
Washington State Poultry Processing Regulations (pdf)
This publication describes the regulations surrounding the processing, handling, and marketing of poultry meat. Washington State University, December 2009
Alternative Poultry Production Systems and Outdoor Access (pdf)
This publication discusses the differences between alternative and conventional production systems. Production topics such as outdoor access and pasture management, pasture rotation, and predator control are also discussed. NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Project, 2006
Keeping a Small Poultry Flock in the Top End
Part 1: Planning and Building (pdf)
Part 2: Starting the Flock (pdf)
Part 3: Care and Feeding (pdf)
These documents cover the first steps in establishing a flock, the legal requirements and the necessary buildings. Northern Territory Government
Pastured Poultry: An HPI Case Study Booklet (pdf)
This booklet summarizes the experiences of 35 Southern farm families who from 1996-1999 participated in a project titled ‘Integrating Pastured Poultry into the Farming Systems of Limited Resource Farmers. NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Project, 1999
Hatching Small Numbers of Eggs (pdf)
This publication covers the primary environmental considerations required for chicks to hatch and secondary considerations to follow in order to increase the number of eggs hatching. A Pacific Northwest Extension Publication, October 1995
Small-scale Poultry Processing (pdf)
This publication covers small-scale processing, both on-farm and in small plants. It covers each step of processing poultry, and offers examples of mobile processing units. NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Project, May 2003
Poultry Genetics for Pastured Production (pdf)
This publication provides information on the Cornish Rock crosses that are more suitable for outdoor production or for niche markets. NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Project, 2005
On-farm Composting of Large Animal Mortalities (pdf)
This bulletin provides the necessary information for large animal producers in Washington State to start and maintain a safe and effective on-farm mortality composting system. Washington State University, May 2008
Avoiding Residues in Small Poultry & Game Bird Flocks (pdf)
Residues in poultry are leftovers of compounds used in the production of birds to reduce or eliminate disease organisms or parasites. It is imperative that residues of these compounds be eliminated in poultry and eggs or be within the tolerances established by the USDA. Washington State University Extension et al, January2003
Why Did My Chickens Stop Laying (pdf)
External or internal stimuli affect hormone levels, which change the condition of the ovary and oviduct, the organs responsible for egg productions. The result of these changes is the reduction or cessation of egg production. A Pacific Northwest Extension Publication, January 2003
Sticky Droppings: A Feed-Related Poultry Problem (pdf)
This publication outlines the reasons for this problem and suggests specific feed changes to avoid them. Included are tables of sample balanced diets for raising healthier chickens. Washington State University Extension, October 2009
Poultry Nutrition Information for the Small Flock (pdf)
This publication addresses the function of individual nutrients and notes variations in nutrient requirements among classes of poultry. Kansas State University, December 2000
Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture (pdf)
This bulletin features the latest research in raising chickens and turkeys using pens, movable fencing and pastures. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, 2006
Growing Your Range Poultry Business: An Entrepreneur’s Toolbox (pdf)
This Toolbox is written for anyone who desires to make a profit from range poultry production, whether by direct-marketing ‘pastured poultry,’ building a processing plant, or working cooperatively with other producers. NCAT Sustainable Agriculture Project, 2002
Additional Resources
Washington State University, Veterinary Medicine Extension
Washington State University Veterinary Medicine Extension helps build connections between industry, producers, veterinarians, and students throughout the state of Washington.